The very thought of group acceptance to be regarded as a professional, is absurd (imho).
    I only need to look at the craft in my hand to know if I have done a 'good job'.
    The guild system was a system of political and economic control, and perhaps some quality control (but only by happenstance ;).  Were Michaelangelo and DaVinci guilds members?  Group authority brings the membership down to a low, common base.
    I am never insulted by words or titles, they mean nothing to me.  Professor, tinkerer, surgeon, engineer, or ditchdigger.  These titles are a result of fees paid, not potential.
    Please don't get upset by my terse remarks.  Perhaps I am a bit too individualistic.  I have a deep seeded resentment of systems and titles.  Additionally, these remarks are all "In My Humble Opinion".

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