Inline and abridged.

On Jun 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, "Jecel Assumpcao Jr." <> wrote:

>> Have you looked at the ALUs that kids have been making in Minecraft?
>> You can _walk around_ in there. Inside the simulated microprocessor,
>> and actually watch the "electrons" walk down the "Redstone wire." And
>> when you want the birds-eye, a simple server mod lets you fly way up
>> and look down. 
> I watched some movies of this and while very neat, it has some of the
> limitations of Visual6502. If I had actually played with it and had been
> able to choose what to look at, it might have been more undestandable.

I'm not sure what they let you do with Minecraft currently without paying for 
it (it's pretty cheap anyway) but I know that at one point you could play 
single player for free, which is all you need. I ended up thinking it was the 
best creative game I'd seen since SimCity, so I just went ahead and bought it. 
Fortunately you pay once and you're done, which I think is a very respectable 
business model in today's age.

You can fly around in maps and modify them, but not *run* them, using the map 
editor here:

"The Elements of Computing Systems" seems to have influenced the Minecraft 
creative community -- I haven't read it myself.

It kind of blows my mind that people have to patience to do computational stuff 
in-between letting fly arrows at Creepers (I hate those things.)

You can get schematic data for various Redstone (read: cellular automata) 
projects here:

It's worth noting that the default texture pack is not well suited to viewing 
this stuff. I ended up making my own.

I hope this isn't too far off-topic, but I'm fascinated by anything that tricks 
"the rest of us" into programming of any kind.

> -- Jecel
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