On 1/21/2012 11:23 AM, Shawn Morel wrote:

Your response is enlightening in many ways. I think it re-inforces for me how computer science is really more 
of an "automation pop culture." As a society, we've become engrossed with product yet we spend only 
a few minutes at most usually playing around with the artefacts produced - forming surface judgements and 
rarely if ever deconstructing them in order to understand their inner environment. As an academic discipline, 
I fear we've become entrenched in dogma around the accidental complexities we now consider "core" 
to our understanding of a problem - a running executable, bits of ASCII sigels organized in "files".

dunno if you are objecting just to the notion of executables, or to files in general.

I suspect in both cases though, it may be due to some extent on a user/psychological need for humans to be like "there is something, and there it is".

users then need to have a sense of files existing, and to be able to interact with them (copy them around, ...). otherwise, there would likely need to be something to take on a similar role. if it were merely "a sea of data", some people might be happy, but others would be somewhat less happy (the OS and File-System is often becoming enough of such a "sea of data" as it already is).

to some extent, the program binary is also, similarly, a representation of the "thing" that is the program (although, some naive users gain the misconception that it is the icon which "is" the app, leading sometimes to people copying the icon onto a thumb-drive or similar, going onto another system, and having little idea why their "application" no longer works on the new system).

but, like the FS, applications have increasingly started to become a "sea of data", as the program becomes a whole directory of files, or has its contents spread all over within the OS's directories.

hence, some systems have made use of an "executable" which is really an executable read-only archive or database (JVM and .NET).

a few systems have gone further still, having the app be essentially distributed as a self-contained virtual file-system. Steam does this, with the program being itself a self-contained read-only VFS, but allowing the application to write into its VFS (the actual file data is stored separately in this case).

I have even encountered a few applications before distributed as VMware images (with an entire OS, typically FreeDOS or a stripped-down/hacked Win9x or WinXP, bundled as a part of the "app"), granted, in the cases where I have encountered this, I have been left to doubt both the legality and competence of the developers (just how poorly made and hacked-together crap does an app need to be before it justifies shipping an entire OS with the app in order to run it?... meanwhile does MS necessarily approve of Win9x or WinXP being used as a redistributable run-time for said app?...).

granted, at least if Win98 blue-screens in VMware, it is a little less annoying than on real HW, but then one can be left to wonder if it just doesn't run well in an emulator, or if it really was that unreliable?... (granted, I do sort of remember Win98 being one of those OS's I thought was too terrible to really bother actually using, me instead mostly running Linux and later Win2K, before later migrating back mostly into Windows land just prior to the release of WinXP...).

nevermind unverified reports that WinME was worse than Win98 (with both poor reliability and also software compatibility problems...).

but, anyways, "application as a runnable VFS" is possibly an idea which could be worth possible exploration. now, whether or not it is allowed/possible for a user to extract the contents of such an application, is a more open issue (as-is whether or not the VFS is read-only or self-modifying).

ideally, if it could also be done better than with the Valve/Steam GCF system is more open (ideally... it could be done without manual "LoadLibrary()" / "GetProcAddress()" and API-fetching hacks, or an otherwise overly constrained/annoying bootstrap process...). if one were still using native binaries, a probable strategy could be to compile the program as native DLLs or SO's, and have the launcher potentially incorporate a customized loader (launcher opens the VFS, looks for appropriate binaries for the architecture, loads them into the address space, and executes them).

one "could" make the VFS be an EXE, but my personal testing shows this to be pointless on modern Windows (if executed directly, the associated program will be invoked, including with any file extensions).

say, image exists "foobar.myvm", and is called as "foobar.myvm Arg0 Arg1", apparently the VM will be called with a commandline something like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MyVM\myvm.exe" "E:\...\foobar.myvm" Arg0 Arg1

(note that, if launching via "WinMain()", it will be a single big string as-above, but if by "main()" it will of course be split into the relevant entries in "argv[]").

taken further, one doesn't need to type the file-extension (in the CMD shell) if the extension is present in the "PATHEXT" environment variable.

I could be wrong somewhere, but this the behavior I saw in my own tests.

for Linux, I am aware also of the "shebang" / "hash-bang" system, which AFAICT "should" work for binary files (provided it looks something like "#!/usr/local/bin/whatever\n\0"), but I am not necessarily sure if this is "generally portable" (seemed to work on Cygwin and Linux at least). there is apparently also the "binfmt_misc" mechanism on Linux.

I am less certain which strategy would be preferable though given a binary format capable of using either strategy (they may be mutually exclusive though, as the use of a shebang would render the magic no longer being necessarily at a fixed-address, but granted there is always still the file extension...).

then again, all of this may itself be a result of the mountain of complexity and cruft that is, anymore, taken for granted. like, "in a better tomorrow" there will not be a need for ugly application-loading hacks?...

(nevermind that my "magical program binary format" is essentially just a hacked variation of the Quake1 "WAD2" format, with some stupid 16-byte alignment restrictions for sake allowing space to be allocated using a bitmap...).

Every year, a thread similar to this pops up and I've never really known how to respond. 
Now, I'd like to propose that if we are indeed to be considered a "science of 
computation" then we should do as other scientific disciplines and try to reproduce 
the findings.

interesting idea...

After all, given that more or less robust implementations of OMeta exist, if I truly understand, 
for example, "nothing" the low level machine language, then I should be able to spend an 
afternoon with OMeta and this year's report's appendix and have a crude "nothing" 
interpreter. The same could be said about most parts of the system. If I can't reproduce this work 
then either:

- conceptual bits are missing
- I've found a better way to do it
- I don't really yet understand the concept

In all cases, sharing THAT experience here is more constructive for everyone. 
Build you're own interpretation of nothing or build a set of Nile programs as 
you understand Nile to work and put it on git hub.

also a cool idea.

much like a generalization of "hey, here are some random files in a random file format, how easily can I make this stuff work in my stuff?..."

if things don't map well, or would likely require a bunch of architectural hacks to make it work, maybe there is a bit of problem somewhere?...

although not particularly small, after implementing Java ByteCode support for my VM stuff, I had looked at adding .NET MSIL/CIL support. at the time, it looked like a nasty-enough problem that I had half-considered incorporating a dedicated CLI implementation ("Dot Net Anywhere") and daisy-chaining the thing.

granted, this was a few years ago, and I have since figured out the concept of threaded-code and how to (albeit inefficiently) map a table-driven structure onto a hierarchical database (the .NET CLR uses a table-driven / RDBMS-like database structure, whereas my VM uses a hierarchical database more similar to the Windows Registry or similar...).

I could probably manage to make it work if I wanted, but I am not certain there is a whole lot of point (I would not gain much over what I can gain either by daisy-chaining to .NET or Mono, or by just using Java, all of which were concluded to be "generally deficient" for my uses).

I think the one thing that I might like to see is a screen capture of a live 
essay to make sure my understanding is in line. But then, I can build my own 
live essay in HTML / JS or something else.

I  truly believe that the goals of VPRI are better served by NOT handing out executable 
forms of their findings but rather disseminating the concepts of "executable 

very possibly...

if the goal is looking for "the theory", it may be preferable to avoid being tied down to a particular/concrete implementation (in which case, people might expect the designer/creator to actually *maintain* the thing, rather than merely going off and researching other possibilities).

admittedly, I am not as personally driven to avoid a concrete implementation, but at the same time, I am not particularly much doing research either... (but, yeah, I do understand wanting to avoid being "chained down" as, after all, who knows what things tomorrow may hold?... so a person can sit around "doing their own thing", ...).

like, for example, if a musician wanted to pursue various musical forms. say, for example: a dubstep backbeat combined with rap-style lyrics sung using a death-metal voice or similar, without "the man" (producers, ...) demanding all the time that they get a new album together (or that their fans and "the man" expect them to stay with their existing sound and theme), and if they just gave them something which was like "and so wub-wub-wub, goes the sub-sub-sub, as the lights go blim-blim-blim, as shorty goes rub-run-run, on my hub-hub-hub, as my rims go spin-spin-spin" or something... (all sung in deep growls and roars), at which point maybe the producers would be very unhappy (say, if he was hired on to be part of a tween-pop boy-band, and adolescent females may respond poorly to bass-filled "wubbing growl-rap", or something...).

or such...


On Jan 20, 2012, at 5:52 PM, Reuben Thomas wrote:

I have just skimmed VPRI's 2011 report; lots of interesting stuff
there. The ironies of a working system that the rest of us can only
view in snapshot form grow ever-stronger: the constant references to
active documents are infuriating. The audience would like to see the
active document, but instead we only get a printout. It's as if,
waiting for a new film, we got only reviews of trailers rather than
the trailers themselves.

The irony is then compounded by a code listing at the end of the
document (hint: a URL is shorter and actually useful; this is not the

And then just when we thought it was going to end, the agony
continues: you've pushed the deadline back a year.

I wish you all a joyful and productive 2012; unlike many projects,
it's clear that with this one the question is not whether what is
finally released will be worth the wait, it's whether it'll ever
actually be released.

You do shoot yourselves in the foot at one point: "The Web should have
used HyperCard as its model, and the web designers made a terrible
mistake by not doing so." Yes, but the web shipped and revolutionised
the world; meanwhile, you lot have shipped stuff that, at best, like
Smalltalk, has inspired revolutions at one remove. Many of the lessons
of your work are decades old and still not widely learned. Contrast
with Steve Jobs, who spun an ounce of invention into a mile of
innovation, by combining a desire for better computing with the
understanding that without taking people with you, your ideas will die
with you. It's a shame and an embarrassment that to the world at large
he's the gold standard.

Please, no more deadline extensions. Whatever you have by the end of
this year will unquestionably be worth releasing, for all its
imperfections. It's high time to stop inventing the future and start
investing it.

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