Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
John Zabroski <> writes:

Sorry, you did not answer my question, but instead presented excuses
for why programmers misunderstand people.  (Can I paraphrase your
thoughts as, "Because people are not programmers!")
No, you misunderstood my answer:
"Because people don't pay programmers enough."

I think that might be an inaccurate statement in two regards:

- programmers make VERY good money, at least in some fields (if you know where to find good, cheap coders, in the US, let me know where)

- (a lot of programmers) do NOT have a particularly user-focused mindset (just ask a C coder what they think of Hypercard - you'll get all kinds of answers about why end-users can't do any useful; despite a really long track record of good stuff written in Hypercard, particularly by educators)

Note: This is irrelevant vis-a-vis Jon's question, however. The answer to why he can't find easy ways to upload files, is because he isn't looking.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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