What will this book be called?  I would like to get one when it comes out.

Why do you always start with C?  Why not start with a higher language
like Smalltalk?  You could compile ByteArrays that could then run
fast.  Wouldn't it be more self documenting?  You would have access to
all the Smalltalk resources.

Because C is the portable assembler.
Because C has better access to all of the OS and all other languages.
By starting with C you leverage the C compiler.
You would have to write a C compiler in Smalltalk to get the same thing.

I am writing BorgLisp in Smalltalk which is supposed to asimilate all
other computer languages into itself as dialects of lisp.  Like
Clojure asimilates Java into itself.  Like Cola was a combination of
Lisp and Smalltalk and C.

I have one dialect of Lisp in BorgLisp so far and a source level
stepping debugger that can handle macros( it should ).  It's written
in Dolphin Smalltalk but I would like to port it over to Pharo or
VisualWorks.  If I tried to do the same thing in C I don't think I

Please explain why starting with C is better than this.

Is there a debugger for C that is as good as the one in Smalltalk?
Do you use Test Driven Development as a way to get around not having a debugger?
What programming environment do you use?

I look at Maru and there are absolutely no comments in there.
A litterate version of Maru would be way too cool to ever actually
happen in this cursed universe we live in.  I hope Maru is what I'm
talking about but I can't remember if it is or not.

I hope you write this book with the literate meta compiler compiler in it.

I hope I get my hands on it.  I wish Maru was literate.

Now what Favorite shall I put this link under so that I might have
some chance of ever seeing it again.  I suppose my Git account would
be a good place to do that.  But I don't Git over there that much.

If I seem scattered maybe it's because I am a high functioning autistic.

He said.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 8:08 PM, Charles Perkins <ch...@kuracali.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Alan!
> That means quite a bit to me.
> I was so looking forward to a good pillage. Ah well… to follow your metaphor
> (a kinder one and more inclusive to be sure) I am most appreciative of the
> generous sharing of seeds going on around here.
> Chuck
> On Feb 8, 2013, at 5:42 PM, Alan Kay <alan.n...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Looks nice to me!
> But no ivory towers around to pillage. (However planting a few seeds is
> almost always a good idea)
> Cheers,
> Alan
> ________________________________
> From: Charles Perkins <ch...@kuracali.com>
> To: Fundamentals of New Computing <fonc@vpri.org>
> Sent: Friday, February 8, 2013 3:52 PM
> Subject: [fonc] yet another meta compiler compiler
> While we're all waiting for the next STEP report I thought I'd share
> something I've been working on, inspired by O'Meta and by the Meta-II paper
> and by the discussions on this list from November.
> I've written up the construction of a parser generator and compiler compiler
> here:
> https://github.com/charlesap/ibnf/blob/master/SyntaxChapter.pdf?raw=true
> The source code can be had here: https://github.com/charlesap/ibnf
> Don't be fooled by the footnotes and references, this is a piece of outsider
> literature. I am a barbarian come to pillage the ivory tower. Yarr.
> Chuck
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