Added a readme that may simplify trying to use the code.  Also note that I
removed all of the ``pseudoevaluation'' hackery; so that contrived
explanation is now null.

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Aaron Burrow <>wrote:

> I've been working on an implementation of boot.c in common lisp for the
> past few weeks; my code now correctly generates eval.s.
> You can find the code here
> I had been considering for some time that lisp evaluation could be broken
> down into an abstract transformation machine. Each stage composing on the
> results of the previous stage until finally execution stops after doing the
> evaluation transformation. Each stage has it's own set of semantics
> pertaining to the different data types. ie, expansion treats a macro
> differently than the reader.  I implemented boot.c using this model.
> The code still needs a bath and it's very slow; largely because it's using
> an assoc list and string= to lookup symbols.
> In order to run the code, you will also need this file
>  And
> you will have to make these changes to the maru code
>  My
> implementation uses a graph for environments and this doesn't play well
> with what maru expects for current-environment(...) (being the global
> environment usually).  I also didn't spend time trying to get *globals* to
> work; so you have to use _global-environment(...).
> The c implementation of maru uses encode(...); which changes the semantics
> of doing lookups in ``operators'' and ``forms'' (global variables) as
> emit.l expects symbols to already have been substituted for fixed and expr.
> Implementing quote(...) and set(...) nicely proved to be challenging.  I
> introduced the ``pseudoexpansion'' transformer to handle with set(...).
>  Here (set (that other) x) we want to expand set(...) after it's arguments
> are expanded (because ``that'' might be a macro).  We could explicitly
> expand the arguments in maru-primitive-set; currently we use
> ``pseudoexpansion''.
> During ``pseudoexpansion'' we know that all other expansions have occurred.
> I never came up with a satisfactory solution for quote; currently the
> expansion transformer has to use a conditional for fixed leads in order to
> prevent the expansion of quote args.
> _lead_ is what the implementation calls the first form in an sexpression.
> _args_ are the other forms.
> There are more than 100 tests at the bottom of 'metalang.lisp' that may
> help in understanding how the code works.  I also kept a list of notes
> about the original boot.c that you can find here
> the ``='' operator is broke; it gives incorrect results for things that
> aren't strings, symbols and numbers. but it works well enough to run the
> compiler.
> Generalizing the processing of the sexpressions into the transformers
> model was pretty straightforward for the most part.  But note that
> *forwarding-symbol* is a bit of a hack.  Because I want to deal with each
> type of object in it's particular handler for each stage of execution (and
> not just do everything in the symbol handler); some combinations of
> transformer and data type require me to return the symbol instead of the
> thing it's binded to.  In particular if I'm doing an expansion and I get
> forwarded to an expr, it needs to know what symbol it's binded to (instead
> of replacing the symbol with the expression object as we would during
> evaluation).
> maru is a pretty ecosystem; the simplicity of the multimethod
> implementation speaks for itself.
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