Please note that with Ant there's a potential alternative to calling FOP:
FOP has an Ant task that you can use documented here:

On 02.01.2008 11:57:16 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Hi Akagi,
> In addition to Chris’ answer:
> Akagi Kobayashi wrote:
> > Hi Vincent
> > 
> > Further to the e-mail below (by the way, a typo had crept into the sample
> > file name), my system does not recognize the fop command nor the argument. I
> > tried running the fop command at the level where I normally build pdfs.
> > 
> > I have discovered that our fop is in a completely different area, and the
> > project dependency is declared in a project-deps file which the build file
> > imports.
> > 
> > How can I run the fop command in a way that will be recognized by the build
> > file?
> To produce the XSL-FO output you won’t use the build.xml file. However, 
> you can have a look into it to retrieve the path to FOP and the XSLT 
> stylesheet. From the ~/svn/2.0/target/ directory you will have to type 
> something like this:
>     /directory/where/fop/is/installed/fop -xml sample.xml -xsl 
> docboook-xsl-1.72.0/fo/docbook.xsl -foout
> And yes the XSL-FO file will be created in the same ~/svn/2.0/target/ 
> directory.
> If you’re really lost you may post your build.xml file (or rather send 
> it directly to me) so that I can have a look.
> HTH,
> Vincent

Jeremias Maerki

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