Hi everyone,
I'm asking for a little help using FOP to render my XML file, which contains 
images (checked and unchecked boxes), into a PDF.
My script is done, and works perfectly when I indicate in my xml file :
<checkbox></checkbox>, this being an 
extern server that I cannot use in Production

But when i want to test it in local on my computer, and replace the previous 
line with
<checkbox>box_check.gif</checkbox>, my images being in the same folder than my 
script, and my XML and XSL files.

I got the error message :
Error in XObject : Error while loading image 
file:/home/emmji/tmp/xml/jni/box_check.gif : class 
java.lang.NullPointerException - null

I know the image is found because I tried to rename it and got this error :
[ERROR] Error while creating area : Error while recovering Image Informations 
(file:/home/emmji/tmp/xml/jni/box_check2.gif) : 
/home/emmji/tmp/xml/jni/box_check2.gif (No such file or directory)

Here is the declaration of the variable and the code where I integrate my image 
<xsl:variable name="checkedbox">
        <xsl:value-of select="/root/param/checkbox"/>

<fo:block text-align="center">
        <fo:external-graphic src="url('{$checkedbox}')" width="8px" 
height="8px" display-align="center"/>

I think this is a matter of URL, but I don't understand why.

Thanks for your help.


PS : I also tried : 
but I still end up with the same XObject errorCe message est à l'attention 
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