*** From [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wilhelm Glowacki)

>Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:43:18 -0700
>From: "W.Glowacki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Here we go again- "Polish death camps"
>Cc: Benjamin Chapski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dana Alvi, Piotr Jakucki,Armia 
>To my deepest shock I found on your site 
>the following Press information(quote):
>June 16, 2002
>The Simon Wiesenthal Center announced today that it had officially asked 
>the Polish judicial authorities to investigate the crimes committed by 
>Ivan Demjanjuk in Poland during World War II in the Sobibor and Majdanek 
>death camps and the Trawniki SS training camp, as a first step toward his 
>possible extradition to stand trial in Poland. The request was submitted 
>late last week in Warsaw at a meeting between the Center's Israel director 
>and chief Nazi -hunter Dr. Efraim Zuroff and Prof. Leon Kieres, President 
>of the Polish Institute of National Memory (Instytut Pamieci Narodowej).
>"In view of the recent US decision stripping Ivan Demjanjuk of his 
>American citizenship, which confirmed his service at Polish concentration 
>camps, it would be extremely important for him to be tried for the crimes 
>he committed during World War II," said Zuroff in the wake of the meeting. 
>"We therefore are urging the Polish authorities to initiate an 
>investigation of this case as quickly as possible with a view toward 
>Demjanjuk's extradition for trial in Poland. This Holocaust perpetrator 
>has escaped punishment for his crimes in Polish death camps for far too 
>long and we therefore hope that Poland will extradite him and that full 
>justice can finally be achieved in this case."
>Poland's recent renewed efforts to investigate and bring Nazi war 
>criminals to justice were assessed relatively positively in the Wiesenthal 
>Center's most recent Annual Status Report on the Worldwide Investigation 
>and Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals. (end)
>If this information has been printed by any Jewish media, probably my 
>reaction would have been a different one. For so many years I have got 
>used to all kinds of similar attacks by Jewish media, writers or so called 
>researchers. But never ever would come to my mind, the Wiesenthal Centre 
>could print a such nonsense, if not historical lie.
>So, without getting into further details, be informed once and for all; in 
>Poland, during WWII there weren't any "Polish concentration camps" or 
>"Polish death camps".
>Every and each KZL or death camp has been built and operated by Hitler's 
>In addition to this, Poland did not exist at all,  being occupied by the 
>Germany from 1939-1945.
>If the Wiesenthal Centre is claiming to fight  hate, intolerance, etc, 
>your information is a classic example but otherwise.
>Wilhelm Glowacki
>One Man Media OnLine

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