> Sorry I am a newbie for fossil; until now I have used git and
> mercurial.

Welcome to Fossil then ...

> I have a doubt regarding the sentence:
> "A fossil repository is a 'unordered bag' of artifacts".
> In mercurial and in git the emphasys is on the "graph"
> concept... every object (for example in git a commit or a blob or a
> tag) is related to others...
> In any case also in fossil an artifact is related to others... so for
> me (sorry for the naive question) in any case also in fossil we have a
> graph, only that it is "hidden" inside the artifact format and not
> "external" in the repository "metadata".
> Could it be correct as a comment?

I would say, you are right! The artifacts are somehow related to each
other, but this relationship is contained in the artifacts itself. The
repository, however, is only a container (unordered bag) holding these
artifacts. You could try to do a

   fossil deconstruct deconstructed

within a checkout. This will create a directory 'deconstructed' with all
artifacts written out in readable format sorted by, IIRC, the first two
character of the artifact's sha1-id. With

   fossil reconstruct repos.fsl deconstructed

Fossil should be able to re-create 'repos.fsl' out from the artifacts
contained in 'deconstructed'.
But I believe, that Fossil do held some further metadata also contained
in the artifacts in extra tables for performance reasons (kind of
cache). These tables can easily be repopulated at will with

   fossil rebuild

if necessary (i.e. the database format has changed). :-)



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