On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 10:58:02AM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:28 AM, tpero...@compumation.com <
> tpero...@compumation.com> wrote:
> Change the subject:  Please help me to understand why people want to create
> a new branch before adding changes to that branch, rather than just waiting
> until they check-in their edits?  I'm not being sarcastic or critical here.
> A lot of people do this and I sincerely want to understand the motivation.
> The way I've *always* done things is:
>     (1)  ... edit files
>     (2)  fossil commit -branch new-branch

We very early discovered the "-b" parameter to "commit", and that's what we use
since then, but at our very first use of fossil, we only found "branch new" to 
a branch.

So, "branch new" was what we found first. Maybe the documentation about "branch
new" could explain about why would someone want to use it, explaining the other

I would not mind "branch new" deprecated.

Thank yu,
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