On Tue, 9 Aug 2011 08:19:46 -0700
Matt Welland <estifo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I often am planning a change or thinking ahead and will create the
> branch to record my intentions before I've started coding. I do like
> the ability to checkin changes to a branch but would generally not
> intentionally use it out of the risk of forgetting that my changes
> are intended for a branch and then checking them in to the current
> branch.
I'd like to second all written above.
This is simply a mental model thing: "oh, these changes I've just made
should better be on the new branch" versus "now I want to implement a
new feature, so let's fork a new branch now and start coding *on it*".
Both are valid on different occasions.
> Note: It is annoying to me that "fossil branch new foo" won't simply
> branch from the current node.
Absolutely agreed.
I miss Git's `git checkout -b newbranch` encantation which stands for
fossil branch new newbranch
fossil update newbranch
in fossil, which is barely a pleasure to use.

By the way, could it be possible to implement such "I want to start a
new branch now" without recording of any new artifacts but instead by
just creating some record (in _FOSSIL_, presumably), that the user
recorded her intention for the next commit she'll make to start a new
branch?  That would be more in a fossil's style of managing branches, I
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