I'm a new user of fossil, having come grudgingly from CVS. Needless to say, my 
stubbornness was unfounded-life is immeasurably easier than it was on CVS for 
hundreds of little (and big) reasons.

In trying to convert my workflow to fossil, I haven't been able to find any 
information in the wiki nor mail archives about creating a new repository, 
remotely, on the fossil server. I understand that in a large project and a 
tightly controlled server this may be undesirable, but in a home or small 
office environment, this is very useful without having to resort to log on to 
the server, issue the "fossil new <repo>" command and logging off, especially 
if you wish to restrict general log-in access to the server itself.

One use for this is when creating static web sites; a new project comes along 
and whichever developer starts work on the project first simply creates the 
repository and commences work. Everyone else merely carries on as normal; 
"fossil clone <repo>" and "fossil open <repo>", etc.

Am I missing something, or is this simply not a feature that exists yet?

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