On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 4:53 PM, lists <li...@devilray.eu> wrote:
>> I'm a new user of fossil, having come grudgingly from CVS. Needless to
>> say, my stubbornness was unfounded-life is immeasurably easier than it was
>> on CVS for hundreds of little (and big) reasons.
>> In trying to convert my workflow to fossil, I haven't been able to find
>> any information in the wiki nor mail archives about creating a new
>> repository, remotely, on the fossil server.
> For a server you need two things:  (1) The repository database file (the
> *.fossil file) and (2) some mechanism to serve that file.
> Item (2) can be either CGI, or inetd/xinetd, or "fossil server".  See the
> documentation for details.  In any of these cases you have to give it the
> name of a repository database file to serve.
> But here is a cool feature:  The name of the repo database file you give to
> Fossil for (2) can actually be a directory rather than an individual file.
> In that case, Fossil will serve all repos underneath that directory.

An amplification:  In order for this to work, the repository files need to
be named with a ".fossil" suffix.  Other suffixes like ".fsl" or ".f" or
anything else.  If you are dealing with individual repositories, the suffix
does not matter - it can be anything you want.  But for this one
server-every-file-in-a-subdirectory feature, all the repositories files have
to end with ".fossil".

> Suppose you have (2) set up to serve files out of the /home/www/repos
> directory on your server.  Then in order to create a new repository on the
> server you can do this:
> (a) Create the repository locally using "fossil init repo-name.fossil"
> (b) Do whatever check-ins and configuration you want on the new repository,
> including setting the administrator password.
> (c) Test your setup locally using "fossil ui"
> (d) Scp or ftp the repository file into the /home/www/repos directory on
> the server.
> If you upload a repo file named /home/www/repos/abc.fossil" then you can
> access it using http://domain/abc.  If you upload the file to
> /home/www/repos/dir1/dir2/xyz.fossil, then you access it using
> http://domain/dir1/dir2/xyz.  And so forth.
> So once you get (1) up and going, installing a new repository is just a
> matter of uploading a new repository file.
>> I understand that in a large project and a tightly controlled server this
>> may be undesirable, but in a home or small office environment, this is very
>> useful without having to resort to log on to the server, issue the "fossil
>> new <repo>" command and logging off, especially if you wish to restrict
>> general log-in access to the server itself.
>> One use for this is when creating static web sites; a new project comes
>> along and whichever developer starts work on the project first simply
>> creates the repository and commences work. Everyone else merely carries on
>> as normal; "fossil clone <repo>" and "fossil open <repo>", etc.
>> Am I missing something, or is this simply not a feature that exists yet?
>> Sacha
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> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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