On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Alaric Snell-Pym

by context, but it might be worth including JSON and human-HTML versions
of each URL, like so:

  ...stufff about a commit...
  "parents" : {
     "<hash of parent commit>" : { "json" : "http://......json";, "html"
: "http://...html"; },
     "<hash of parent commit>" : { "json" : "http://......json";, "html"
: "http://...html"; }

I think including links etc. gets baroque pretty fast, and different use cases require different links. It may be better in the long run to simply add a kind of template mechanism to the server. This is explained on p. 297 in "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming" by M. Harrison and M. McLennan. Basically the client sends a request giving a template and the data it wants. This allows each client to get fossil data in the format the client needs, with just the data fields it needs. So a client could request just the title of a ticket, or just the contents.

http://.../ticket.json&{"title"+:+$title} as an example

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