On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 2:32 PM, fossil-m...@h-rd.org

> I think including links etc. gets baroque pretty fast, and different use

i think i would have used the word "painful", but baroque is more colorful.

> cases require different links.  It may be better in the long run to simply
> add a kind of template mechanism to the server.  This is explained on p. 297
> in "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming" by M. Harrison and M. ...
> http://.../ticket.json&{"**title"+:+$title} as an example

That's an interesting idea. In principal there's nothing stopping us from
experimenting with multiple approaches, and we can, to a large degree,
implement them side by side until we settle on something we like.

Right now i'm trying to get the "easy requests" out of the way, and they
have straightforward/non-controversial structures, but eventually questions
like the above will need to be answered before we can start implementing
client apps based on the JSON API.

----- stephan beal
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