At 03:04 PM 2/28/2012, Andreas Kupries wrote:
On 2/28/2012 3:03 PM, Christopher Berardi wrote:
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 01:51:29PM +0100, Gour wrote:
c) some aliasing mechanism so that user can create aliases for commands
invoked with common options, e.g, ability to define

cip = ci --private

Why not just use your shell's aliasing mechanism? For example, in a
Bourne compatible shell you could place this in your .shrc file:
     alias cip='fossil ci --private'

Not everyone uses Unix.
Are there Windows shells supporting aliases, outside of 'mingw/bash' ?

Standard Windows Console has aliases. Type DOSKEY /? for
documentation. The suggested alias would be defined by saying:

      DOSKEY cip=fossil ci --private $*

Ideally you'd do this sort of thing in a batch file that you
arrange to invoke when your command prompt launches. My project
specific command-prompt shortcuts all at minimum specify a
starting folder, and often use CMD /K C:\...\CUSTOMERSTART.BAT
as the command line so that the specific batch file is run before
CMD shows its first interactive prompt.

That said, I can see utility for customizing aliases within fossil
itself, so that CIP isn't now a general command but fossil cip does
what the OP wanted. I'm not sure how generally useful this is given
the strength of *nix and Windows aliases and shell scripts, however.

Ross Berteig                     
Cheshire Engineering Corp. 

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