On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 07:28:11AM -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
> I'm leaning more toward Fossil 2.0 that has a number of incompatible
> changes to the command-line interface, such as having "fossil rm" and
> "fossil mv" actually delete and rename the files.  To be clear, the
> repository file format and the sync protocol would continue to be
> compatible, so Fossil 1.x can interact with Fossil 2.x projects.  Only the
> operation of the various "fossil" commands would change, and only in ways
> that improve the interface, based on past experience.
> Assuming we go with Fossil 2.0, can somebody propose a list of interface
> changes that are needed.  We don't want to repeat this exercise if it can
> be avoided, so let's fix everything all at once.  Here's a start:
> (1)  "fossil rm" removes the files from the disk
> (2)  "fossil mv" renames the files on disk

Two additional things I might like:

  (n+1)  Allow more management of the repository through the web ui. For
         example, allow an administrator to delete, move, or rename
         files directly from the web ui. Or open or close a branch. Or
         merge two branches together. Or apply or remove a tag.

  (n+2)  Have a compile-time configuration option to choose what to
         build into fossil. For example, maybe I just want the 'core'
         vcs without the wiki, ui, or bug-tracking. Or, maybe I just
         want the vcs and the bug-tracking, but not the wiki or ui
         (though, in this scenario, tickets may need some way to be
         handled sans the web ui). By default, it would build everything
         like it does now, but a user could opt-out of certain elements.
         Note, this whole idea assumes that the different elements that
         make up fossil are not too tightly coupled ... but, if they
         _are_, we might wonder whether or not that is a good thing to
         begin with.

Christopher Berardi

May grace and peace by yours in abundance.
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