Bill Burdick wrote:
> I think if you pull a rebased branch, you can get an error if the commit
> your branch is no longer in the branch history, at which point you have to
> decide what to do -- I think you can force the pull, if you want to.  If
> you made changes on the branch, you'd probably have to tag and merge to get
> it into the new version of the branch.

I can tell you from experience that yes, you do get an error, but no, it
is not an informative one. What actually seems to happen is that your
upstream apparently conflicts with itself.

It took me about a week to sort this out, which I eventually did by
nuking the whole repository and starting again. Luckily I hadn't checked
anything into it.

(What, bitter? Me?)

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "Parents let children ride bicycles on the street. But parents do not
│ allow children to hear vulgar words. Therefore we can deduce that
│ cursing is more dangerous than being hit by a car." --- Scott Adams
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