On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 6:28 PM, j. v. d. hoff <veedeeh...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Dec 2012 00:23:09 +0100, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>  On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org> wrote:
>>  I don't do that (I keep all my fossil repositories in ~/repos), so
>>> haven't paid close attention to the issues. The big one seems to be
>>> accidentally trying to add the repository to itself. The resulting
>>> checkin never terminates. I also recall problems with Windows
>>> (something else I don't use) where the solution was to move the
>>> repository out of the work space.
>>> Maybe the people who helped solve the problems can comment on this? Or
>>> maybe my skimming of such problems has led me to a false conclusion.
>> I think all these problems are fixed and that it is safe to keep the repo
>> in the check-out directory.
> relieved to here that, thanks. are there any other valid arguments (beyond
> matter of taste things like "I want to separate the repo from the checkout"
> and facilitating backups by putting all repos in a single place) which make
> it unwise to keep the repo within the checkout?
Capabilities to work on multiple different checkout associated with
different branch/revision/tag using the same repo file.

$ mkdir checkout
$ cd checkout
             ## a checkout for the trunk
$ fossil open ~/repos/a_repo.fossil
$ cd ..
$ mkdir checkout_some_branch
$ cd checkout_some_branch
             ## a checkout for the branch "some_branch" using the same repo
$ fossil open ~/repos/a_repo.fossil some_branch

That is a killer feature for me. This is impossible to do with git or hg.
Eg. with git, each checkout have to be a different clone with their own
".git" directory which contain the whole history.

Martin G.
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