On 12/18/12, j. v. d. hoff <veedeeh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Dec 2012 01:04:19 +0100, Martin Gagnon <eme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Capabilities to work on multiple different checkout associated with
>> different branch/revision/tag using the same repo file.
>> Example:
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> $ mkdir checkout
>> $ cd checkout
>>              ## a checkout for the trunk
>> $ fossil open ~/repos/a_repo.fossil
>>  ...
>> $ cd ..
>> $ mkdir checkout_some_branch
>> $ cd checkout_some_branch
>>              ## a checkout for the branch "some_branch" using the same
>> repo
>> file.
>> $ fossil open ~/repos/a_repo.fossil some_branch
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> That is a killer feature for me. This is impossible to do with git or hg.
>> Eg. with git, each checkout have to be a different clone with their own
>> ".git" directory which contain the whole history.
> OK, I see what you mean, but this wouldn't be important for me AFAICS.
> actually I don't see any real advantage of this approach compared to simply
> updating to the respective branches in turn in order to work on them.
> so (for me) this would fall under the "matter of taste" category (which
> still means it's nice that it can be done).

That's assuming that 1) each change is worthy of having it's own
branch, and 2) you can get to a state you're willing to commit between
changing branches. If either of those fail, you wind up needing to
save uncommited changes somewhere. Git and fossil both have a "stash"
feature that does this. There are a number of mercurial extensions
that provide this kind of feature (though MQ seems to be the most
popular one).

It's still a matter of taste, it's just messier than it looks at first
glance. But that's what I meant when I said there wasn't really a
difference that gave one any of the three a real advantage - all of
the differences will depend on how you think different features taste.

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