Thus said Martin Gagnon on Wed, 17 Jul 2013 08:04:10 -0400:

> I propose to add a kind of  -l|--login option to the clone command, so
> when the  username@ is present but  don't match the repo  username, we
> could specify repo username with -l.

While  I do  like this  idea, at  first glance  it seems  that it  would
require a lot of code churn to make it work. The password prompting code
is all  based upon who  the urlUser is  (username after the  ssh://) and
adding an  option to prompt for  the password of a  different user other
than the one in the URL would be a significant change I think.

It would be simpler to add a --ssh-login instead:

fossil clone --ssh-login <host-username> ssh://<repo-username>@<host>//repo.fsl


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