Thus said Stephan Beal on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:51:07 +0200:

> This  "probably" isn't  what you  want to  do, but  i think  you could
> add  anonymous  support  by  piping  the  /json/anonymousPassword  and
> /json/login  calls  through  to  manage  the  two-step  authentication
> process for anonymous  users. That'd be an  ugly way to do  it, but it
> "should work."

I think I need to understand  how ``anonymous'' works (not to mention my
lack of  fossil json knowledge) before  I'll be able to  say for certain
which method would work with SSH.

Anonymous SSH fossil access was just a thought that occurred to me and I
wanted to share to see if there  was any interest. Most of the setup for
it is likely outside the scope  of fossil. Basically it involves setting
up a passwordless SSH account (perhaps named anonfsl) that when used has
a  ForceCommand  that  runs  a  special shell  (possibly  in  a  chroot)
which  will  simply setup  a  fossil  http  with the  requested  fossil.
At  that  point, fossil  authentication  would  do the  rest  (including
anonymous/nobody access).

Thanks for the suggestion.

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