On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Jacek Cała <jacek.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I find this feature very useful and it is very common in clients to SVN,
> Mercurial, etc. And since fossil has embedded client, I'd really like to
> see that as well.

That one's come up a few times - added to the list. A list member recently
(past 2 months or so) posted a mail with a shell script based on 'dialog'
which implements this. Searching isn't turning up it up, but the next time
my netbook is on i'll try to remember to send you a copy.

> Just to let you know, sometime ago I implemented that for myself as it
> wasn't that difficult. It worked really nice, even if you changed file list
> between 'fossil changes' and 'fossil commit...' calls by
> removing/adding/modifying new files (then it just reported error like: 'run
> fossil changes again'). One downside I remember was performance, for larger
> commits it took much longer to run 'fossil commit' than 'fossil commit
> -range xxx' even if a range was a subset of all changes. This was, however,
> my simple, proof of concept implementation...
> What do you think?

i'm trying not to think of such high-level features yet ;). i'm trying to
restrict my focus to basically anything which does not require user
interaction in order to work (interaction includes CLI flags, which are
handled app-level). Nonetheless, i've added this to the list, and can
envision multiple potential implementations (depending on the UI used). (It
might be fun to someday at a simple ncurses-based UI. (Did i really just
say that? "curses" is called that for a reason!))

----- stephan beal
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