On 24/07/2013, at 6:25 AM, Baruch Burstein <bmburst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Having recently graduated and on my first job, I am very interested in what 
> seems to me to be completely irrational. In the past year I have found that 
> most "irrational" things are really just my lack of experience showing :-)

That is one of the more profound statements I've read recently, thanks :)

As a Tcl greybeard, let me point out that it supports IPv6, safe threading, 
coroutines, tailcalls/stackless, generators, very good internationalisation and 
localisation, easily embedded or you can embed C within it, event-driven I/O, a 
modern OO system (or you can choose the older, C++ style of OO), etc, etc.  And 
SQLite and Tcl/Tk itself show how good the test system is.

Just as Richard recently lamented the lower profile of the Unix pipes + 
processes programming model,  I also note the post-modern tendency to re-invent 
square wheels or assume solid + stable means outdated.  A good programmer 
should be willing to use multiple tools and languages, and that's not to say 
Ruby and Python and Lua and Haskell and others are without merit.  But when I 
need something that covers embedded to desktop to web,  and gives me a high 
level of productivity - well ... you know what my tool is :)

But again, thanks Baruch for your comment. I'm sure you'll go far in your 
career if you maintain that awareness :)


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