Stephan Beal wrote:
> No offense intended,

I'm not offended.  I'm just weary.

> but try developing a 1000-lins script which fails on line 743 with the
> sole message "syntax error." That's exceedingly limiting for someone
> who isn't intimately familiar with that code, and often painful for
> someone who is.

Agreed, the error handling is sub-optimal.

> i tried using th1 to implement fully custom fossil /pages two summers
> ago, even went so far as to extract th1 into a standalone lib.

It would be _much_ easier now.  My view is this: I view TH1 purely as an
avenue to access Fossil-specific commands and expose them to Tcl, period.
If I wanted to do serious custom script development with Fossil, almost
all of the "TH1" scripts would look something like:

  tclInvoke set repository_name [repository 1]
  tclEval {
    # invoke a TH1 command...
    th1Eval [list trace "starting Tcl script"]

    # query some TH1 state via a command...
    set magicParam [th1Eval [list getParameter magicParam]]; # param...

    # do more stuff here...
    # optionally access the repository database...
    package require sqlite3
    sqlite3 db $repository_name -readonly true

    th1Eval [list trace "done with Tcl script"]

Joe Mistachkin

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