At Fri, 29 Aug 2014 08:33:13 +0200,
Stephan Beal wrote:
> [1  <multipart/alternative (7bit)>]
> [1.1  <text/plain; UTF-8 (7bit)>]
> [1.2  <text/html; UTF-8 (quoted-printable)>]
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4:59 AM, Timothy Beyer <> wrote:
>     There are some limitations that we worked around, such as the fact that 
> the "%"
>     symbol has a lot of bugs when used in JSON SQL queries (thus making most
>     wildcard matches with LIKE useless), so I use GLOB with a regular 
> expression
>     for case-insensitivity.
> If you can post some examples i'd be happy to take a look at fixing them.

Hi Stephan,

Sorry about the delayed response.  I'll get specific queries that failed next
week, but as a summary, queries like the following have issues in JSON URLs:

foo LIKE '%BAR%'

I believe that there is some sort of issue with the way the % symbol is

Whereas the following works correctly:

foo GLOB '*[Bb][Aa][Rr]*'

I've been meaning to submit patches, but I haven't even looked at that part of
the code yet, and you probably know it much better than I do.

Thanks for the JSON API, it's been invaluable.

> th1 is extremely limited. libfossil is developing more powerful script 
> bindings:

That sounds very promising.  My issues with TH1 were namely that I didn't know
how to use it in dynamic AJAX type applications, (to start with, I think the
TH1 argv API was deprecated, am I correct in this assumption?) and that I
couldn't access parts of the database that were crucial to my needs.  I'll look
into libfossil at some point, as I find fossil the ideal basis for applications
based on a versioned datastore.

I like TCL and especially TK, so I see a lot of potential in TH1, but it seems
to me that JavaScript is already an ideal extension language for most
fossil-based web applications.

> Those permssions are for a reason - imagine what happens if a user sends 
> "DROP TABLE blob" via the
> JSON API. Even if we use authenticators which prohibit that (sqlite supports 
> it), being able to query
> allows them to reach _any_ blob, regardless of access restrictions.

I figured that was the reason, and it's perfectly legitimate, but I just wish
that there was some way to block all JSON API URLs from outside of the fossil
repository, only allowing it to be used in the application itself.

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