The same for me. I always use mv as, I guess, add/remove destroys the
history of changes.

Re syncing with the file system, I find it ok as it is. Usually, I move
files using IDE when coding, and then find missing ones while trying to
commit. For me 'mv' works ok with the exception that when I added a renamed
file, such that 'fossil chan' gives:

MISSING myfile-oldname.txt
ADDED myfile-newname.txt

fossil complains if I try to do

$ fossil mv myfile-oldname.txt myfile-newname.txt

and then I have to do

$ fossil rm newname.txt
$ fossil mv myfile-oldname.txt myfile-newname.txt

It would be perfect for me if I could just run the mv command even if the
renamed file was already added to the current change stack.


2015-08-03 4:53 GMT+01:00 Stephan Beal <>:

> Counterpoint: have never used addremove because (A) i invariably have lots
> of temp/scratch files and (B) it's a pretty alien feature (not existing
> anywhere else, AFAIK). i always use mv.
> ----- stephan
> Sent from a mobile device, possibly from bed. Please excuse brevity and
> typos.
> On Aug 3, 2015 01:22, "Matt Welland" <> wrote:
>> I've been using (and advising others to use) addremove because fossil mv
>> behavior did not match Unix mv. The differences were confusing. I've no
>> idea if fossil mv now behaves exactly like mv. The other issue was that
>> fossil move did not keep the filesystem in sync with fossil which is also
>> confusing and error prone.
>> On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 8:46 AM, Michai Ramakers <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been avoiding 'fossil mv' a bit until recently, because I
>>> didn't trust it for no good reason. I reckon since it is in trunk, it
>>> is considered stable.
>>> In project-trees here, I move/rename dirs and files quite often. What
>>> I did earlier, was simply to move them as per filesystem, and then let
>>> 'fossil addremove' do its thing, and make a commit of only those
>>> additions/removals.
>>> I was wondering what you generally do for directory trees in motion -
>>> use add/rm or mv ? And: the benefit of fossil having a concept of
>>> 'moved file/dir' is that the user can trace ancestry crossing
>>> moves/renames more easily, is that correct? (At least that's how I use
>>> it now.)
>>> Michai
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