Today I had a conversation with the guy who handles the configuration
management for the software project to which I'm on loan.

He mentioned that in a couple years he wants to switch away from the old
version of Subversion they're currently saddled with.

I suggested he consider Fossil since I have already successfully
imported his 10K+ Subversion revisions to a private Fossil repository
(with the help of my andygoth-import branch), and since it's been
extremely helpful to me and the others from my organization on this
project.  In particular, it's proven its worth as a go-between linking
his Subversion repository with our ClearCase repository, which are
located on private networks at different sites, plus it allows offline
operation on our laptops, captures development we do directly on the
target device, and keeps it all in sync through network and file share
links, whatever is available and when.

A few weeks ago, he saw Fossil in operation as we spent a few hours
untangling many months of failed and incomplete merges that were done
simply by trading code snapshots which each side diff'ed and claimed to
have incorporated, yet in reality they only took the half of the changes
that appealed to them.  Yet with everything in one place, Fossil enabled
us to make sure it was all done correctly and completely with all
parties in agreement.

He said he thinks he'll go with Git instead because that would give the
engineers working under him more forward mobility when they eventually
move on to other companies, whereas Fossil is unknown and would not
improve their employability.  He also said he likes Git's rebase
capability since he believes it will solve a merge problem he's been
having with Subversion.

The merge problem is when he tries to merge a feature branch into an
integration branch, he also gets all the other stuff that's been merged
into the feature branch to virtually update its baseline, even if that
stuff has not itself yet been deemed ready to merge into the integration
branch.  The same goes for history research: all that extra is shown as
changes on the branch relative to its root.

He said that with rebasing, he can strip all the contributors away from
the branch and focus only on what what changed in the branch itself,
then review and merge only that into the integration branch.

He admitted he hadn't actually tried any of this, had only just read
about it.

I responded by explaining to him how I handled these same problems in
Fossil, how I have things organized to track our ClearCase, his
Subversion, feature branches, and integration branches.  How to merge
just the pertinent parts even if things otherwise get out of order.  How
to handle pulling stuff into the Fossil branches that was externally
added to ClearCase or Subversion.  And so on.  I'm writing an extensive
document on this.  I concluded by saying I think Fossil can provide what
he's looking for.

I also told him about the Git issues I've read about, particularly how
fast and loose it plays with preserving history, how branches aren't
much more than tags identifying the final product of a development
effort.  I said I can see how this benefits the Linux kernel requirement
that the maintainers not be overburdened by the blow-by-blow history,
how they're ultimately only going to want the final product.  But I said
that disregard for preserving detailed history, including (perhaps
especially) mistakes, is anathema to me, how important it is that I be
able to research the detailed development history when I'm tracking down
when and how things went wrong.

Of course, none of that matters since he started by prioritizing marketing.

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>

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