> So far, none of the IDEs I've used seem to support VCS merges from within
> the IDE. I've always had to go to the VCS itself (or, when using Hg or SVN
> on Windows, TortoiseHg or TortoiseSVN), so lack of merging in libfossil
> might not be a big issue for creating Fossil plug-ins for IDEs.
> A GUI for Fossil would benefit from merge support in libfossil, but could
> work around it.
> I'll think about taking over libfossil. My main concern is that my
> employer's legal department won't allow me to sign the Fossil copyright
> assignment document.

EGit, the git plugin for Eclipse, does merges.

The existence of the Eclipse plugin is the only reason we went with Git for
the project rather than Fossil -- some of the devs in my team seem only be
able to do work via Eclipse and have no experience with the command line

The merge feature works, until it doesn't.

A week or two ago EGit worked together with git, Eclipse, and a coworker to
lose some of the coworker's code.  I'm not really sure how it happened.
You just look into the VCS history tree and you see a commit with the
message "Inconsistent merge state" (a message generated by EGit).  The
commit tree is hard to understand from the available GUIs, so that doesn't

The message would more rightly have said "I'm deleting some of your code
not telling u which files haha sux 2 B U".

I think it had something to do with making extra changes on top of an
uncommitted merge that had had conflicts, which then confused git and/or
EGit down the line.  But I don't really know.

In any case, it wasn't until yesterday that the coworker noticed a bunch of
his code was missing.  I had to go perform some git-fu (at which I'm a
mid-ranking white belt at best) to figure out what had been lost to some
measure of certainty.  Then the coworker just applied the patch I had
generated by hand to the latest commit in his branch, and we were off to
the races again.  Pretty horrible.

So, there's a market of at least 1 team that would love a Fossil plugin for
Eclipse.  It would be ironic if Fossil's killer use case wound up being its
support of a best-of-breed IDE plugin.  Fossil's original author is
definitely not a big IDE guy. :-)

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