One way to find out which subscriber is (knowingly or unknowingly) behind this problem is to have the mail list send out messages augmented with the actual recipient's email (preferrably as "xxx at domain xxx dot xxx" to not be immediately obvious to possible scripts that may remove them) as part of the body of the email. Then, the porn should come back with that information as it appears to always quote the original message. It should quickly reveal what email address is behind this, and that address can be banned from the list.

-----Original Message----- From: Fossil SCM user's discussion
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 7:42 PM
To: Fossil SCM user's discussion
Subject: Re: [fossil-users] More reply spam...

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 11:20:56AM -0400, Fossil SCM user's discussion wrote:
On 6/22/16, Fossil SCM user's discussion
<> wrote:
> The only problem (or annoyance) I see with that is that we don't know > from
> who the email come from unless we look at the signature at the bottom.

I agree.  I just don't know of an alternative.  Suggestions are welcomed!

I don't know how flexible is the Mail list system, but if possible, may
be it could take the name of the original "From:" field, but keep
the mailing list email.


 - Email received by the server:

From: John Smith <>
To: Fossil User Mailing list <>

 - Email sent back to the member of the list

 From: John Smith <>
To: Fossil User Mailing list <>

I have no clue if it's possible, but it would be a good compromise.


Martin G.
fossil-users mailing list
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