On Sep 11, 2016 21:49, "Adam Jensen" <han...@riseup.net> wrote:
> On 09/11/2016 01:54 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
> > On Sep 11, 2016 18:18, "Adam Jensen" <han...@riseup.net
> > <mailto:han...@riseup.net>> wrote:
> [snip]
> >> '''
> >> 5.4 Unversioned File Sync
> >>
> >> "Unversioned files" are files held in the repository where only the
> >> recent version of the file is kept rather than the entire change
> >> history. Unversioned files are intended to be used to store ephemeral
> >> content, such as compiled binaries of the most recent release.
> >> '''
> >>
> >> The phrase "ephemeral content" is a bit disconcerting. It suggests
> >> values and attitudes towards this data which will probably be reflected
> >> in the requirements, specification, and implementation of the software.
> >>
> >> In the use-case I have in mind, this data would be "immutable content"
> >> and should be considered precious.
> >
> > That's not, as i understand it, the intention of unversioned filed.
> > Anything "important" needs to be checked in (versioned). Unversioned
> > files are primarily intended for hosting pre-built binaries and such.
> We might not be intersecting on this point; a perspective difference, I
> suspect. What I am suggesting is that the current intention of
> unversioned files might need be slightly tweaked to encourage an
> additional use-case where the repository supports the organization and
> management of critical data (immutable; a snap-shot of reality; large
> binary files) in addition to highly revised text files such as data
> analysis scripts, annotations, and documentation.

And i would argue against it as falling well out of scope for an SCM ;).
(Not that my opinion on the topic matters. ;) Unversioned files were, as i
understand it (possibly incorrectly), added primarily as a convenience for
a nearly-universal need/use case: hosting pre-built copies of sources held
in the SCM. Stretching that to cover a wide range of cases (some arguably
better-suited to scalable cloud infrastructure) sounds unnecessary to me.
But that's just me, and i historically tend to hold minority opinions, so
take what i say with a grain of salt.

----- stephan
(Sent from a mobile device, possibly from bed. Please excuse brevity,
typos, and top-posting.)
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