On 10/11/16, John P. Rouillard <rouilj+fos...@cs.umb.edu> wrote:
> Hi all:
> I am trying to set up a series of fossil repos for a volunteer coding
> project.
> I have a script that I can use to set up the repos, and the plan is to
> have the developers self register at the event.
> I would like to have the sign up once and get access to multiple
> repos.
> It seems that login group shoud be able to do this, but I haven't
> found any documentation on how it should work.
> Reading through emails, it looks like I need to:
>    Choose one repo to be the master
>    Enter the server side path to the repo as:
>        Repository filename in group to join
>   Then provide admin credentials on the master repo (I assume
>     so it can modify the login group config on the master repo).
>   Then choose a name for the group.
> Once I have done that I need to have the developers register on the
> master repo.
> To allow them to log into the web or clone/push/pull I need to:
>     fossil config pull -R museum/repo.fossil user museum/master.repo
> to copy all the users from the master to each repo.
> Is this correct?

I think that is all correct, yes.

D. Richard Hipp
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