On Oct 22, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Scott Doctor <sc...@scottdoctor.com> wrote:
> How do they do such over the internet without having command line access?

Are you actually saying that your fellow researchers don’t have access to the 
command line on their own workstations?

I do understand that some managed PC installations do try to turn off the local 
OS command terminal.  An IT industry columnist I follow calls such people the 
Value Prevention Society, because they frequently take actions to remove the 
value we should expect to get from user-owned PCs over mainframes and such.

If you actually do find yourself operating in such a benighted environment, you 
could build a GUI wrapper program around the fossil.exe binary.  I’m not 
talking about anything grandiose; maybe half a day of time in your favorite GUI 
builder.  You could do this in anything from VB to Tcl/Tk to HTML Applications. 
 You could probably even do it in FileMaker. :)

(Yes, I’m making a leap here that you’re using Windows.  Organizations that 
allow use of other OSes generally don’t even *try* to lock their users out of 
the local command line.)

> Seems adding files, doing check-ins, merges, should all be part of the UI.

Someone has to do it.  Patches will be thoughtfully reviewed. :)
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