On Feb 16, 2017, at 5:51 PM, Zoltán Kócsi <zol...@bendor.com.au> wrote:
> Is it possible to (probably yes, but how?) to trigger some external
> action when a check-in happens with a particular tag?

Sometimes drh is wrong.  This is one of those rare times. :)


That gets you an RSS document monitoring the events happening with the symlinks 
tag on the main Fossil repository.

Consume that RSS feed using your programming language of choice and do 
something interesting when a new event occurs that you consider interesting.

Say “fossil help /timeline.rss” for more information on how you can customize 
the RSS feed.

Yes, this does amount to polling.  Perhaps drh only meant “no” in the sense 
that you can get the action to happen in the SQL “trigger” sense, being an 
event-driven action, rather than polling.  Unless generating this RSS feed is 
expensive and you need it to happen with low latency, this distinction won’t 
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