> There is not.  The difficulty is in the definition of "happens".
> [...]

Yes, I get the point and I also have to admit that it was a fairly
stupid question.

And yes, one should want to run the script only on the server(s) and not
on the clients.

So, I re-phrase the question: is it possible, by means of a Fossil
command issued on the client machine, to trigger an external script on
the server machine (possibly passing it a parameter, but that's
optional), assuming that the user has the relevant access privileges. 

The itch I want to scratch is what I described: automated generation of
binaries and documentation on the server at certain points in time. 

The makefile for the project has a 'release' target which takes care
of checking that everything can be compiled, docs generated, tests are
passed, version number incremented etc, then does a check-in (and push)
with a different colour on the timeline.  I'd like the same make target
to also do the building of binaries and docs on the server. 

However, I would much prefer to go through Fossil and not to create a
separate script and trigger mechanism on the server, for a very simple
reason: why re-invent the wheel and why not use what's already on the
machine, known to work and well tested. Fossil already has all those
very neat facilities that one needs: the choice between CGI and the
built-in webserver, user authentication and privilege management
all the while sitting in a chroot jail. 


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