On Feb 26, 2017, at 6:34 PM, Tony Papadimitriou <to...@acm.org> wrote:
> how is it possible for someone to inject a 'bad' file with the same SHA1 as a 
> 'good' file already in the repo?

Your attacker could be MITM’d into the sync stream.  I gave an example 
requiring only the current SHA-1 collision technology in my first reply in the 
other thread:


As for the difficulty of MITM’ing your sync connection, are your Fossil servers 
all behind strong TLS proxies?  If not, your Fossil sync streams pretty 
trivially MITM-able.  And if you do use strong TLS, are you sure there are no 
TLS-busting middleboxes[1] or broken antimalware tools[2] in the computer 
networks at either end of the connection?  

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middlebox
[2]: https://goo.gl/37H7pN

> The only ways I can imagine

That’s because you aren’t a highly motivated, highly resourced, highly trained 
black hat.  But such people do exist.

> how urgent is the need to transition away from SHA1?

If we could magically upgrade all of the Fossil clients in the world, we could 
wait until just before the sky actually begins to fall.  That event is likely 
years out.

If drh actually manages to ship a fix for this by Easter — aggressive, but 
doable — then we’ll still be seeing Fossil 1.x on a fair number of systems on 
Easter of 2022, by which time the current attack could be either 5-10x faster 
or 5-10x cheaper, the factor depending on whether there are further 
breakthroughs in that time.  I think we should count on 10x and be pleasantly 
surprised if it’s “only” 5x.

Moore’s Law may be running out of steam for general purpose computing, but not 
for embarrassingly parallel applications like hash collision searching.

> I believe it will be really-really difficult (for the foreseeable future at 
> least) for someone to come up with a 'bad' file with both SHA1 and MD5 being 
> the same.

Given that an MD5 collision costs less than 65 cents US to create these 
days,[3] I think your premise is flawed.

Yes, creating a collision in both MD5 and SHA-1 is probably more expensive than 
the addition of the two (US $100000.65) but I don’t think you can say that MD5 
is adding meaningful security here.

MD5 is broken, broken, broken.[4]

[3]: https://natmchugh.blogspot.com/2015/02/create-your-own-md5-collisions.html
[4]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/170.pdf

> Don't tell me MD5 is broken.

MD5 is broken. :)

> One would still need to match both SHA1 and MD5 to inject -- not easy!

Argument from incredulity.[5]

[5]: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Argument_from_incredulity

> may introduce (an avalanche[?] of) bugs, and possibly even risk the integrity 
> of our current repos until fully bug-free.

Have avalanches of bugs been a notable hallmark of Fossil and SQLite, in your 

> (I for one would be reluctant to try it for actual work until enough other 
> people have used it for some time without problems.)

That’s why the SQLite project dogfoods trunk Fossil, and drh encourages us end 
users to use Fossil from trunk, too.  By the time Fossil 2.0 is released, it 
*will* be well-tested, both formally and informally.

> you can't really get the whole population to switch at the exact same time.

We have decades of experience managing such problems.  This is known tech.  We 
don’t need to invent any new wheels here.
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