On 2017-04-12 18:01, Scott Robison wrote:
On Apr 12, 2017 10:31 AM, "Thomas" <tho...@dateiliste.com
<mailto:tho...@dateiliste.com>> wrote:

    On 2017-04-09 02:19, Richie Adler wrote:

        Thomas decĂ­a, en el mensaje "[fossil-users] Issue with crlf-glob
        *" del
        8/4/2017 17:46:14:

            Does anyone know how to unveil the secret of getting the
            asterisk into the crlf-glob setting without consulting the
            web interface?

        For me, it works if I enter the asterisk as '*'.

        I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate Build 7601 SP 1.

        This is fossil version 2.2 [9612d43f93] 2017-03-18 14:10:13 UTC
        Compiled on Mar 18 2017 13:48:53 using mingw32 (64-bit)

    It's obviously not the version. It still doesn't work here.
    This is fossil version 2.2 [a9d1d46f65] 2017-04-12 11:39:23 UTC
    Compiled just now ...

Probably the difference between the Microsoft and MINGW run time libraries.

Most likely, yes. That's pretty much the only option left now. ;)
Unless, of course, the provided exe at https://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/uv/download.html has not been built with MSVC. If it's been built with MinGW we're back at square 1.

In my case, I got two working solutions now:
- Use "*," instead of just "*".
- Write the asterisk to .fossil-settings\crlf-glob directly (which I like more).

I might try MinGW as soon as I figured out how to buld Fossil with MinGW/Cygwin. ;-)

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