> On 6/5/17, John Pateman <jpate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a number of repositories named (for example) x.fossil, y.fossil &
> > z.fossil, all stored in a single directory `/Users/Shared/FOSSIL/`.
> >
> > I can now serve a page listing all of these by running;
> >
> > `fossil server --repolist /Users/Shared/FOSSIL/ -port 8888 &`
> >
> > Is it possible to customise the appearance of this  webpage without having
> > to set it up a full web server?
> When you say "set up a full web server", I assume you mean
> Apache/Nginx/etc, right?
> Did you know that the "fossil server" command itself is able to act as
> a reasonably complete webserver for static content?  Just use the
> --files GLOBLIST option to tell it want kinds of files you want to
> serve (ex: --files '*.html,*.gif') and put those files in the same
> directory as your Fossil repositories.

I am not sure that this would help him.

My reading of his request is that he wants to customize the page
generated by fossil itself [1].

It is very basic HTML [1] and my guess is that he wants something
which allows him to have that generated page include a custom CSS at
the least, and/or a system to include files which provide custom
header/footer segments (where CSS could come in from a header). In the
extreme something to run a script/command per found repository, for
example to extract a description and put that into the index beside
the repo link. And if we have that a natural extension would be a more
global script/command to perform custom sorting (on description, last
modified, creation date, size, etc).

The result would be a customizable index dynamically generated by
fossil (and the helper scripts).

With the static content you are advising he still has to update that
content by himself whenever a repository is added to or removed from
a repository directory.

[1] As an example, running it on my own local fossil directory I get

        <base href="http://localhost:8888/"; />
        <title>Repository List</title>
        <h1>Available Repositories:</h1>
        <li><a href="/atom/home" target="_blank">atom.fossil</a></li>
        <li><a href="/blob/home" target="_blank">blob.fossil</a></li>

   Usable, of basic. Integration with a surounding website requires
   some customization for style and links, etc.

See you,
        Andreas Kupries <akupr...@shaw.ca>
        Developer @     SUSE (MicroFocus Canada LLC)

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