
Correct, it's just set up wrong on OTRS. Right now Legal@ is not even an OTRS 
email address. If it were, we could then structure it so the languages were 
subqueues. But that'd require legal@ becoming an OTRS email address.

Huib - The staff (myself and Jon) are saying two different, contradictory 
things.  We are trying to figure out if this is because of an undiscussed 
change of policy, or because Jon misspoke. It is of major concern, because if 
all legal emails are now going directly to the interim GC, then what is the 
point of having a legal queue for OTRS? But none of this was ever discussed 
with us, making me think that it is more likely just a mistake.  The policy as 
long as I've been answering emails for the legal queue (and to be clear, it was 
still the policy when I started working full time for the foundation and at a 
meeting about a month ago it was still the policy) was that legal emails were 
to go through OTRS, where they would be routed into the legal queue (more 
accurately, the legal-en queue. We also have a very full legal-it subqueue and 
some specific trademark subqueues.) Those emails would then be screened by the 
OTRS legal volunteers, and some would be answered or weeded out there. The more 
important ones would be forwarded on to the General Counsel (or now, Interim 
General Counsel). Why would it make sense at all to get rid of the screening on 
OTRS, without discussion with the OTRS team, and suddenly route ALL emails 
directly to the Interim General Counsel. Does that make any logical sense? 
Again, this is why I think that there has been a mistake somewhere.

We're emailing internally to figure out what the right answer is.


(PS: this is my personal account, my staff account is not subscribed to 

On Dec 18, 2010, at 12:22 PM, Pedro Sanchez wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Huib Laurens <> wrote:
>> Why are you saying the staff answer is wrong? If staff says use
>> why are you changing it?
>> Best,
>> Huib
> wasn't legal-en@ about english queries?
> in any case, it makes more sense to have legal@  for a *foundation*
> contact, and then have legal-en as a subqueue for english wikipedia
> (and related projects)
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