Kibble, you never cease to amaze. Much <3.  That's a great summary.

On Dec 18, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Casey Brown wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo)
> <> wrote:
>> Please stop it: this is incorrect and perhaps you should at least double
>> check if someone says it's incorrect, especially after a WMF staffer
>> like Jon has confirmed so.
> On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Huib Laurens <> wrote:
>> Why are you saying the staff answer is wrong? If staff says use
>> why are you changing it?
> Wow, you guys need to stop being so accusatory and rude; please stop
> assuming bad faith.  No one's calling anyone a liar and they're both
> actually right, but in different ways.
> Dan's working with the Foundation for the fundraiser (so he's a
> "staffer" too), was an early legal intern, and has manned the legal
> queue on OTRS for years.  Jon is a relatively new staffer with Office
> IT who's been helping cleanup e-mail addresses, aliases, and
> everything else related to Office IT.
> Stated simply, Jon was giving a *technical* answer, while Dan was
> giving a more *procedural* and policy-based answer.
> Here's the full story/background, as far as I know:
> Traditionally, we never really published a "legal" address.  All
> complaints/issues were directed to the general Wikimedia contact
> address (i...@wikimedia), which leads to OTRS.  These complaints were
> then later sorted to their proper destination:  info-en, another
> language queue, out to a staff member, to the legal queue, etc.
> Tickets needing legal team attention, like from real lawyers talking
> about litigation, went to the legal queue.  Since the legal queue/team
> is quite small and most people do not actually need to talk to them,
> we never publicized the direct address to the legal queue... this is
> the legal-en@ address that Dan's talking about.
> More recently, a "legal@" alias has been created which goes straight
> to the current/interim General Counsel.  I would assume that the
> reason this was created was because the Foundation has started using
> aliases a lot more.  They probably didn't realize that we
> intentionally didn't make that address since most people didn't
> actually *need* the GC... or they did realize that, but decided it
> wouldn't be an issue anymore and decided that an alias would be a good
> idea anyway. :-)
> As Dan says, they'll need to figure out internally how mail should be
> redirected properly and how to make the best use of both the legal
> team and the interim GC's times.  However, I wanted to make it clear
> that neither of them is really "wrong" or calling each other a liar.
> :-)
> -- 
> Casey Brown
> Cbrown1023
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