On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:

> > As Meg seems to have pointed out already in her question, the same could
> be
> > said for any sponsored contributor. The bylaws are explicit in not
> > discriminating against sponsored/paid contributors compared with any
> other
> > kind of contributor. There is a concrete process for anyone who disagrees
> > with bylaws to suggest an amendment to them.
> I've asked you to consider chasing the meaning of bylaws. "Non-trivial
> effort" is open to interpretation.

I think it makes sense for members who volunteer for certain
responsibilities to have the ability to make decisions. However, I think we
as foundation members also need to be sensitive to the fact that newcomers
(especially those who are minorities in the FOSS community) might see
decisions based on interpretations (not strict following of clearly stated
rules) as favoritism. So I think having clear information which is up to
date and reflects how decisions are being made can be very important,
especially if we are trying to be fair and clearly state our expectations
to all potential members. I think this is also important if we want to
retain minorities who have joined the community.
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