
On Di, 2017-06-13 at 11:48 -0700, Cosimo Cecchi wrote:
>  * Timeline for new board transition
>   * Results will be announced this coming Monday 12th, then confirmed next 
> Monday 19th
>   * The new board will be in effect after that,
Strictly speaking the new board will have voting power from 1st of
July. The last Board came into power on 2016-07-01 and the term is one
Now, it's probably good practise to enable the old board to wrap up
their business and do the hand over, i.e. letting them vote on the new
board's behalf until the handover is done. But it's at the new board
member's discretion.

>  and until the GUADEC meeting both groups of officers can attend meetings and 
> calls
>   * When do we start inviting incoming board members to the calls?
>    * Historically we did the handover at GUADEC, but sounds helpful to have a 
> time during which board members overlap
>    * The new officers do take over at the AGM according to the bylaws,
I could not find that in the bylaws.

>  so that sounds like a reasonable time for the handover
>   * First meeting with new board on call: Tuesday June 20th, but no voting 
> powers until the in-person meeting at GUADEC, where new officers are elected
Being able to vote and being an officer is not related.

>    * The meetings will be recommended to attend for the newly-elected 
> members, but we will still hold meetings according to the schedule of the 
> present board
This sounds clever, but ultimately, the newly elected board has all
rights as of first of July.

In the past I suggested that the term should be made 13 months (once),
because GUADEC tends to be later in the year than it used to. That
would increase the chances of the old Board doing handover at GUADEC
before the newly elected Board comes into power.  To make the term one
month longer, the Board simply needs to make a decision for the
upcoming elections.

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