Hi all,

As the release of GNOME 3.26 approaches, the Engagement team would like to
encourage you to join or host a release party in your area. As has been the
case with recent releases, we have a budget of $50 per group for the first
10 groups that request a budget.

You can find out whether there is a party near you, or add yours to the
list here: https://wiki.gnome.org/Events/ReleaseParties/ThreePointTwentysix.
There, you'll also find information on how to request a budget for your

You can find tips on how to hold a release party here:

If you have any questions, let me know, and thanks to everyone who has
contributed to this upcoming release!


Nuritzi Sanchez
GNOME Foundation <https://www.gnome.org/foundation/>
President, Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

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