hey hey!

On Fr, 2017-09-15 at 14:12 -0700, Christian Hergert wrote:
> It's difficult and time-consuming to audit a code-base received via a 
> web-browser. It can also very from client to client. Do you have a tool 
> that can tell us if a website contains non-free JavaScript? Perhaps a 
> browser plugin?
There is https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/

    GNU LibreJS aims to address the JavaScript problem described in
    Richard Stallman's article The JavaScript Trap. LibreJS is a free
    add-on for GNU IceCat and other Mozilla-based browsers. It blocks
    nonfree nontrivial JavaScript while allowing JavaScript that is free
    and/or trivial.
    Downloading LibreJS

    In GNU IceCat or any Mozilla browser, you can install LibreJS by
    clicking on this link and following the subsequent instructions:
    gnu_librejs-6.0.13-fx.xpi (601K). 

The git log indicates activity:
so that it might work with recent browsers.

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