Max Vlasov schrieb:

An idea here is to introduce a directive (maybe something else, but directive looks more straightforward), let's call it readonly that forces the method to be able only to read the fields and properties of the object it belongs to and forbid any writing. Sure in this case it only can call only the methods also containing such directive.

That's one of the things that "const" can do in C++.

I thing there might be some logical contradictions I'm not aware at the moment, but I think they can be resolved with general oop inheritance logic.

My experience with "const" methods in C++ often resulted in a bunch of cloned methods, with only calls to other non-const methods removed - a maintenance nightmare :-(

A workaround could include the same implementation code twice, with conditional compilation of all non-const parts. But since the method names of the const and non-const versions must be different, every method body must reside in its own include file..


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