On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Hans-Peter Diettrich

>  I thing there might be some logical contradictions I'm not aware at the
>> moment, but I think they can be resolved with general oop inheritance logic.
> My experience with "const" methods in C++ often resulted in a bunch of
> cloned methods, with only calls to other non-const methods removed - a
> maintenance nightmare :-(
Just curious, was it a "fight" with yourself or with someone else's code?
Sure I had no experience with const methods, but I just can't imagine how
function or procedures intended to caclulate/find/collect some information
from the fields and properties of an object can be a problem in this field.
One example comes to mind, sometimes developer wants to know how often a
method is used, sure in this case there's no easy way to increase a feild of
the object. Can you name some other examples?

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