let me share same basic info/ideas about TMSSQLConnection :
1. As Marcos wrote it is descendant of sql-db TSQLConnection class and provides native connector for MS SQL Servers and Sybase servers 2. is depends/requires on FreeTDS open-source cross platform DB-Library (alternatively can be used also Microsoft db-library ntwdblib.dll)
3. all what is needed are 2-3 files:
- mssqlconn.pp (implementation of TMSSQLConnection and TSybaseConnection)
- dblib.pp (interface to FreeTDS db-library ABI dblib.dll on Windows, libsybdb.so on *NIX)
- readme.txt (some info for users/developers)
4. according to market share of MS SQL Server and Sybase there may be many users, which will welcome alternative to TODBCConnection 5. there is on http://www.freepascal.org/future.var in "Improve the database support" > "Drivers (descendants) for more database types" so I understand it as FPC is open for new stuff ;-) 6. if there is any problem please let us know. If you decide to include it into fcl-db then you can place files for example into src/sqldb/mssql folder ;-)

As you can see here http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17303 the
developer known to LacaK developed a new connector for MSSQLServer,
descendant of TSQLConnection class, and sent the beta code in

Some developers discussed the new code here:

I'm already using this connector in production without problems.

To FPC core team:
Could you take a look in that component and think about included this
code in SVN to new developers use too, please?

Marcos Douglas

PS: this message was posted in lazarus-list and fpc-pascal, but I was
wrong because nobody answer me about YES or NOT. So, I think this is
the right list, don't?
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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