Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Pierre Free Pascal wrote:

The good news is that I can still run/build trunk for mipsel on Debian
"Squeeze" on Qemu without unanticipated issues (i.e. nobody reading this
should assume that Lazarus will work yet).

The not-so-good news is that I built from trunk earlier but after having
bus errors in Qemu's implementation of big-endian MIPS I'm now looking
at the file above. Unfortunately I still get bus errors and I think the
binaries have been stripped.

  This is very strange:
I just installed the snapshot onto the big-endian mips machine
that I use to generate the snapshot.
This machine is the one that does generate daily testsuite results for

  I just tested a compiler cycle (with DEBUG=1) starting from this
snapshot binary, and it seems to be able to generate a vanilla trunk
ppcmips -iDW
2012/11/21 2.7.1-r1:23032

Is this a Qemu problem?

But I see no other problems, except those that could be caused by slowness of the emulated environment (flush process timing out, which appears to be a known issue). I suggest you compile a null program and "Hello, World!" and upload them.

Recompiling trunk mipsel natively eventually failed:

/usr/bin/diff ppc3 ppcmipsel
Binary files ppc3 and ppcmipsel differ
make[2]: *** [cycle] Error 2

I think what I need to do is revert to the last version I've seen a full build working on, I've got the sources but not the svn metadata so I can't for the moment say what revision this is.

Is there a rough way of querying svn to determine what revisions were committed on a particular date?

For the record, Qemu describes its mipsel emulation as

system type             : MIPS Malta
processor               : 0
cpu model               : MIPS 24Kc V0.0  FPU V0.0
BogoMIPS                : 98.04
wait instruction        : yes
microsecond timers      : yes
tlb_entries             : 16
extra interrupt vector  : yes
hardware watchpoint     : yes, count: 1, address/irw mask: [0x0ff8]
ASEs implemented        :
shadow register sets    : 1
core                    : 0
VCED exceptions         : not available
VCEI exceptions         : not available

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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