Then I get:
  test_IPP.lpr(17,1) Error: undefined reference to `ippGetLibVersion'
(I have tried also: _ippGetLibVersion, _ippGetLibVersion@0 ...)

I've downloaded the IPP libs and did some tests to make sure that static linking is possible.
Thank you very much for your effort!
You use cdecl, but in header files is stated stdcall for Windows, isn't it problem ?

Besides that it does not work for me, when I add another two functions. Attached my example.

I get error:
.\Intel_IPP\\ippcoremt.lib(C:/commander/production/ipp201702gold/windows_ia32/.build/windows/obj/ia32/core/s/st/owncpufeatures.obj):(.text[_ownGetMaskFeatures]+0x35): undefined reference to `__security_cookie'


// Copyright 1999-2017 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.
// The source code, information and material ("Material") contained herein is
// owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or licensors, and title
// to such Material remains with Intel Corporation or its suppliers or
// licensors. The Material contains proprietary information of Intel
// or its suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide
// copyright laws and treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used,
// copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted,
// distributed or disclosed in any way without Intel's prior express written
// permission. No license under any patent, copyright or other intellectual
// property rights in the Material is granted to or conferred upon you,
// either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise.
// Any license under such intellectual property rights must be express and
// approved by Intel in writing.
// Unless otherwise agreed by Intel in writing,
// you may not remove or alter this notice or any other notice embedded in
// Materials by Intel or Intel's suppliers or licensors in any way.

//       Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel(R) IPP)
// Dependencies:
//              Image Processing: Core (ippcore), Vector Math (ippvm), Signal 
Processing (ipps)
// DLLs:        32  64 bit
//              w7, my    Optimized for processors with Intel SSE2
//              s8, n8    Optimized for processors with Supplemental Streaming 
SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3)
//                , m7    Optimized for processors with Intel SSE3
//              p8, y8    Optimized for processors with Intel SSE4.2
//              g9, e9    Optimized for processors with Intel® Advanced Vector 
Extensions (Intel® AVX) and Intel® Advanced Encryption Standard New 
Instructions (Intel® AES-NI)
//              h9, l9    Optimized for processors with Intel® Advanced Vector 
Extensions 2 (Intel® AVX2)

unit ipp;

{$mode objfpc}
{$macro on}
{$inline on}
{$align 4}
{$packenum 4}
{$packrecords C}


{ $DEFINE extdecl:=stdcall}
{$DEFINE extdecl:=cdecl}

{$link ippcoremt.lib}
{$link ippvmmt.lib}
{$link ippsmt.lib}
{$link ippimt.lib}

//              Basic Types and Macro Definitions
  int = integer;

  Ipp8u = byte;
  Ipp16u = word;
  Ipp32u = dword;
  Ipp8s = shortint;
  Ipp16s = smallint;
  Ipp32s = integer;
  Ipp32f = single;
  Ipp64s = Int64;
  Ipp64u = UInt64;
  Ipp64f = double;
  Ipp16f = Ipp16s;

  PIpp8u = ^Ipp8u;

  IppLibraryVersion = record
      major: integer;                   { e.g. 1                               }
      minor: integer;                   { e.g. 2                               }
      majorBuild: integer;              { e.g. 3                               }
      build: integer;                   { e.g. 10, always >= majorBuild        }
      targetCpu: array [0..4-1] of AnsiChar; { corresponding to Intel(R) 
processor  }
      Name: PAnsiChar;                  { e.g. "ippsw7"                        }
      Version: PAnsiChar;               { e.g. "v1.2 Beta"                     }
      BuildDate: PAnsiChar;             { e.g. "Jul 20 99"                     }
  PIppLibraryVersion = ^IppLibraryVersion;

//              Derivative Types and Macro Definitions

(* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//        The following enumerator defines a status of Intel(R) IPP operations
//                     negative value means error
IppStatus = (
    (* errors *)
    ippStsNotSupportedModeErr    = -9999,(* The requested mode is currently not 
supported.  *)
    ippStsCpuNotSupportedErr     = -9998,(* The target CPU is not supported. *)
    ippStsInplaceModeNotSupportedErr = -9997,(* The inplace operation is 
currently not supported. *)

    ippStsABIErrXMM15            = -8017, (* XMM15 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM14            = -8016, (* XMM14 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM13            = -8015, (* XMM13 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM12            = -8014, (* XMM12 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM11            = -8013, (* XMM11 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM10            = -8012, (* XMM10 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM9             = -8011, (* XMM9 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM8             = -8010, (* XMM8 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM7             = -8009, (* XMM7 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrXMM6             = -8008, (* XMM6 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrR15              = -8007, (* R15 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrR14              = -8006, (* R14 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrR13              = -8005, (* R13 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrR12              = -8004, (* R12 is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrRBP              = -8003, (* RBP is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrRSI              = -8002, (* RSI is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrRDI              = -8001, (* RDI is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)
    ippStsABIErrRBX              = -8000, (* RBX is not saved by Intel(R) IPP 
function *)

    ippStsIIRIIRLengthErr        = -234, (* Vector length for IIRIIR function 
is less than 3*(IIR order) *)
    ippStsWarpTransformTypeErr   = -233, (* The warp transform type is illegal 
    ippStsExceededSizeErr        = -232, (* Requested size exceeded the maximum 
supported ROI size *)
    ippStsWarpDirectionErr       = -231, (* The warp transform direction is 
illegal *)

    ippStsFilterTypeErr          = -230, (* The filter type is incorrect or not 
supported *)

    ippStsNormErr                = -229, (* The norm is incorrect or not 
supported *)

    ippStsAlgTypeErr             = -228, (* Algorithm type is not supported.    
    ippStsMisalignedOffsetErr    = -227, (* The offset is not aligned with an 
element. *)

    ippStsQuadraticNonResidueErr = -226, (* SQRT operation on quadratic 
non-residue value. *)

    ippStsBorderErr              = -225, (* Illegal value for border type.*)

    ippStsDitherTypeErr          = -224, (* Dithering type is not supported. *)
    ippStsH264BufferFullErr      = -223, (* Buffer for the output bitstream is 
full. *)
    ippStsWrongAffinitySettingErr= -222, (* An affinity setting does not 
correspond to the affinity setting that was set by f.ippSetAffinity(). *)
    ippStsLoadDynErr             = -221, (* Error when loading the dynamic 
library. *)

    ippStsPointAtInfinity        = -220, (* Point at infinity is detected.  *)

    ippStsUnknownStatusCodeErr   = -216, (* Unknown status code. *)

    ippStsOFBSizeErr             = -215, (* Incorrect value for crypto OFB 
block size. *)
    ippStsLzoBrokenStreamErr     = -214, (* LZO safe decompression function 
cannot decode LZO stream. *)

    ippStsRoundModeNotSupportedErr  = -213, (* Rounding mode is not supported. 
    ippStsDecimateFractionErr    = -212, (* Fraction in Decimate is not 
supported. *)
    ippStsWeightErr              = -211, (* Incorrect value for weight. *)

    ippStsQualityIndexErr        = -210, (* Cannot calculate the quality index 
for an image filled with a constant. *)
    ippStsIIRPassbandRippleErr   = -209, (* Ripple in passband for Chebyshev1 
design is less than zero, equal to zero, or greater than 29. *)
    ippStsFilterFrequencyErr     = -208, (* Cutoff frequency of filter is less 
than zero, equal to zero, or greater than 0.5. *)
    ippStsFIRGenOrderErr         = -207, (* Order of the FIR filter for design 
is less than 1.                    *)
    ippStsIIRGenOrderErr         = -206, (* Order of the IIR filter for design 
is less than 1, or greater than 12. *)

    ippStsConvergeErr            = -205, (* The algorithm does not converge. *)
    ippStsSizeMatchMatrixErr     = -204, (* The sizes of the source matrices 
are unsuitable. *)
    ippStsCountMatrixErr         = -203, (* Count value is less than, or equal 
to zero. *)
    ippStsRoiShiftMatrixErr      = -202, (* RoiShift value is negative or not 
divisible by the size of the data type. *)

    ippStsResizeNoOperationErr   = -201, (* One of the output image dimensions 
is less than 1 pixel. *)
    ippStsSrcDataErr             = -200, (* The source buffer contains 
unsupported data. *)
    ippStsMaxLenHuffCodeErr      = -199, (* Huff: Max length of Huffman code is 
more than the expected one. *)
    ippStsCodeLenTableErr        = -198, (* Huff: Invalid codeLenTable. *)
    ippStsFreqTableErr           = -197, (* Huff: Invalid freqTable. *)

    ippStsIncompleteContextErr   = -196, (* Crypto: set up of context is not 
complete. *)

    ippStsSingularErr            = -195, (* Matrix is singular. *)
    ippStsSparseErr              = -194, (* Positions of taps are not in 
ascending order, or are negative, or repetitive. *)
    ippStsBitOffsetErr           = -193, (* Incorrect bit offset value. *)
    ippStsQPErr                  = -192, (* Incorrect quantization parameter 
value. *)
    ippStsVLCErr                 = -191, (* Illegal VLC or FLC is detected 
during stream decoding. *)
    ippStsRegExpOptionsErr       = -190, (* RegExp: Options for the pattern are 
incorrect. *)
    ippStsRegExpErr              = -189, (* RegExp: The structure pRegExpState 
contains incorrect data. *)
    ippStsRegExpMatchLimitErr    = -188, (* RegExp: The match limit is 
exhausted. *)
    ippStsRegExpQuantifierErr    = -187, (* RegExp: Incorrect quantifier. *)
    ippStsRegExpGroupingErr      = -186, (* RegExp: Incorrect grouping. *)
    ippStsRegExpBackRefErr       = -185, (* RegExp: Incorrect back reference. *)
    ippStsRegExpChClassErr       = -184, (* RegExp: Incorrect character class. 
    ippStsRegExpMetaChErr        = -183, (* RegExp: Incorrect metacharacter. *)
    ippStsStrideMatrixErr        = -182,  (* Stride value is not positive or 
not divisible by the size of the data type. *)
    ippStsCTRSizeErr             = -181,  (* Incorrect value for crypto CTR 
block size. *)
    ippStsJPEG2KCodeBlockIsNotAttached =-180, (* Codeblock parameters are not 
attached to the state structure. *)
    ippStsNotPosDefErr           = -179,      (* Matrix is not positive 
definite. *)

    ippStsEphemeralKeyErr        = -178, (* ECC: Invalid ephemeral key.   *)
    ippStsMessageErr             = -177, (* ECC: Invalid message digest.  *)
    ippStsShareKeyErr            = -176, (* ECC: Invalid share key.   *)
    ippStsIvalidPublicKey        = -175, (* ECC: Invalid public key.  *)
    ippStsIvalidPrivateKey       = -174, (* ECC: Invalid private key. *)
    ippStsOutOfECErr             = -173, (* ECC: Point out of EC.     *)
    ippStsECCInvalidFlagErr      = -172, (* ECC: Invalid Flag.        *)

    ippStsMP3FrameHeaderErr      = -171,  (* Error in fields of the 
IppMP3FrameHeader structure. *)
    ippStsMP3SideInfoErr         = -170,  (* Error in fields of the 
IppMP3SideInfo structure. *)

    ippStsBlockStepErr           = -169,  (* Step for Block is less than 8. *)
    ippStsMBStepErr              = -168,  (* Step for MB is less than 16. *)

    ippStsAacPrgNumErr           = -167,  (* AAC: Invalid number of elements 
for one program.   *)
    ippStsAacSectCbErr           = -166,  (* AAC: Invalid section codebook.     
    ippStsAacSfValErr            = -164,  (* AAC: Invalid scalefactor value.    
    ippStsAacCoefValErr          = -163,  (* AAC: Invalid quantized coefficient 
value.          *)
    ippStsAacMaxSfbErr           = -162,  (* AAC: Invalid coefficient index.  *)
    ippStsAacPredSfbErr          = -161,  (* AAC: Invalid predicted coefficient 
index.  *)
    ippStsAacPlsDataErr          = -160,  (* AAC: Invalid pulse data 
attributes.  *)
    ippStsAacGainCtrErr          = -159,  (* AAC: Gain control is not 
supported.  *)
    ippStsAacSectErr             = -158,  (* AAC: Invalid number of sections.  
    ippStsAacTnsNumFiltErr       = -157,  (* AAC: Invalid number of TNS 
filters.  *)
    ippStsAacTnsLenErr           = -156,  (* AAC: Invalid length of TNS region. 
    ippStsAacTnsOrderErr         = -155,  (* AAC: Invalid order of TNS filter.  
    ippStsAacTnsCoefResErr       = -154,  (* AAC: Invalid bit-resolution for 
TNS filter coefficients.  *)
    ippStsAacTnsCoefErr          = -153,  (* AAC: Invalid coefficients of TNS 
filter. *)
    ippStsAacTnsDirectErr        = -152,  (* AAC: Invalid direction TNS filter. 
    ippStsAacTnsProfileErr       = -151,  (* AAC: Invalid TNS profile.  *)
    ippStsAacErr                 = -150,  (* AAC: Internal error.  *)
    ippStsAacBitOffsetErr        = -149,  (* AAC: Invalid current bit offset in 
bitstream.  *)
    ippStsAacAdtsSyncWordErr     = -148,  (* AAC: Invalid ADTS syncword.  *)
    ippStsAacSmplRateIdxErr      = -147,  (* AAC: Invalid sample rate index.  *)
    ippStsAacWinLenErr           = -146,  (* AAC: Invalid window length (not 
short or long).  *)
    ippStsAacWinGrpErr           = -145,  (* AAC: Invalid number of groups for 
current window length.  *)
    ippStsAacWinSeqErr           = -144,  (* AAC: Invalid window sequence 
range.  *)
    ippStsAacComWinErr           = -143,  (* AAC: Invalid common window flag.  
    ippStsAacStereoMaskErr       = -142,  (* AAC: Invalid stereo mask.  *)
    ippStsAacChanErr             = -141,  (* AAC: Invalid channel number.  *)
    ippStsAacMonoStereoErr       = -140,  (* AAC: Invalid mono-stereo flag.  *)
    ippStsAacStereoLayerErr      = -139,  (* AAC: Invalid this Stereo Layer 
flag.  *)
    ippStsAacMonoLayerErr        = -138,  (* AAC: Invalid this Mono Layer flag. 
    ippStsAacScalableErr         = -137,  (* AAC: Invalid scalable object flag. 
    ippStsAacObjTypeErr          = -136,  (* AAC: Invalid audio object type.  *)
    ippStsAacWinShapeErr         = -135,  (* AAC: Invalid window shape.  *)
    ippStsAacPcmModeErr          = -134,  (* AAC: Invalid PCM output 
interleaving indicator.  *)
    ippStsVLCUsrTblHeaderErr          = -133,  (* VLC: Invalid header inside 
table. *)
    ippStsVLCUsrTblUnsupportedFmtErr  = -132,  (* VLC: Table format is not 
supported.  *)
    ippStsVLCUsrTblEscAlgTypeErr      = -131,  (* VLC: Ecs-algorithm is not 
supported. *)
    ippStsVLCUsrTblEscCodeLengthErr   = -130,  (* VLC: Esc-code length inside 
table header is incorrect. *)
    ippStsVLCUsrTblCodeLengthErr      = -129,  (* VLC: Code length inside table 
is incorrect.  *)
    ippStsVLCInternalTblErr           = -128,  (* VLC: Invalid internal table. 
    ippStsVLCInputDataErr             = -127,  (* VLC: Invalid input data. *)
    ippStsVLCAACEscCodeLengthErr      = -126,  (* VLC: Invalid AAC-Esc code 
length. *)
    ippStsNoiseRangeErr         = -125,  (* Noise value for Wiener Filter is 
out of range. *)
    ippStsUnderRunErr           = -124,  (* Error in data under run. *)
    ippStsPaddingErr            = -123,  (* Detected padding error indicates 
the possible data corruption. *)
    ippStsCFBSizeErr            = -122,  (* Incorrect value for crypto CFB 
block size. *)
    ippStsPaddingSchemeErr      = -121,  (* Invalid padding scheme.  *)
    ippStsInvalidCryptoKeyErr   = -120,  (* A compromised key causes suspansion 
of the requested cryptographic operation.  *)
    ippStsLengthErr             = -119,  (* Incorrect value for string length. 
    ippStsBadModulusErr         = -118,  (* Bad modulus caused a failure in 
module inversion. *)
    ippStsLPCCalcErr            = -117,  (* Cannot evaluate linear prediction. 
    ippStsRCCalcErr             = -116,  (* Cannot compute reflection 
coefficients. *)
    ippStsIncorrectLSPErr       = -115,  (* Incorrect values for Linear 
Spectral Pair. *)
    ippStsNoRootFoundErr        = -114,  (* No roots are found for equation. *)
    ippStsJPEG2KBadPassNumber   = -113,  (* Pass number exceeds allowed 
boundaries [0,nOfPasses-1]. *)
    ippStsJPEG2KDamagedCodeBlock= -112,  (* Codeblock for decoding contains 
damaged data. *)
    ippStsH263CBPYCodeErr       = -111,  (* Illegal Huffman code is detected 
through CBPY stream processing. *)
    ippStsH263MCBPCInterCodeErr = -110,  (* Illegal Huffman code is detected 
through MCBPC Inter stream processing. *)
    ippStsH263MCBPCIntraCodeErr = -109,  (* Illegal Huffman code is detected 
through MCBPC Intra stream processing. *)
    ippStsNotEvenStepErr        = -108,  (* Step value is not pixel multiple. *)
    ippStsHistoNofLevelsErr     = -107,  (* Number of levels for histogram is 
less than 2. *)
    ippStsLUTNofLevelsErr       = -106,  (* Number of levels for LUT is less 
than 2. *)
    ippStsMP4BitOffsetErr       = -105,  (* Incorrect bit offset value. *)
    ippStsMP4QPErr              = -104,  (* Incorrect quantization parameter. *)
    ippStsMP4BlockIdxErr        = -103,  (* Incorrect block index. *)
    ippStsMP4BlockTypeErr       = -102,  (* Incorrect block type. *)
    ippStsMP4MVCodeErr          = -101,  (* Illegal Huffman code is detected 
during MV stream processing. *)
    ippStsMP4VLCCodeErr         = -100,  (* Illegal Huffman code is detected 
during VLC stream processing. *)
    ippStsMP4DCCodeErr          = -99,   (* Illegal code is detected during DC 
stream processing. *)
    ippStsMP4FcodeErr           = -98,   (* Incorrect fcode value. *)
    ippStsMP4AlignErr           = -97,   (* Incorrect buffer alignment .        
    ippStsMP4TempDiffErr        = -96,   (* Incorrect temporal difference.      
    ippStsMP4BlockSizeErr       = -95,   (* Incorrect size of a block or 
macroblock. *)
    ippStsMP4ZeroBABErr         = -94,   (* All BAB values are equal to zero.   
    ippStsMP4PredDirErr         = -93,   (* Incorrect prediction direction.     
    ippStsMP4BitsPerPixelErr    = -92,   (* Incorrect number of bits per pixel. 
    ippStsMP4VideoCompModeErr   = -91,   (* Incorrect video component mode.     
    ippStsMP4LinearModeErr      = -90,   (* Incorrect DC linear mode. *)
    ippStsH263PredModeErr       = -83,   (* Incorrect Prediction Mode value.    
    ippStsH263BlockStepErr      = -82,   (* The step value is less than 8.      
    ippStsH263MBStepErr         = -81,   (* The step value is less than 16.     
    ippStsH263FrameWidthErr     = -80,   (* The frame width is less than 8.     
    ippStsH263FrameHeightErr    = -79,   (* The frame height is less than, or 
equal to zero.                        *)
    ippStsH263ExpandPelsErr     = -78,   (* Expand pixels number is less than 
8.                               *)
    ippStsH263PlaneStepErr      = -77,   (* Step value is less than the plane 
width.                           *)
    ippStsH263QuantErr          = -76,   (* Quantizer value is less than, or 
equal to zero, or greater than 31. *)
    ippStsH263MVCodeErr         = -75,   (* Illegal Huffman code is detected 
during MV stream processing.                  *)
    ippStsH263VLCCodeErr        = -74,   (* Illegal Huffman code is detected 
during VLC stream processing.                 *)
    ippStsH263DCCodeErr         = -73,   (* Illegal code is detected during DC 
stream processing.                          *)
    ippStsH263ZigzagLenErr      = -72,   (* Zigzag compact length is more than 
64.                             *)
    ippStsFBankFreqErr          = -71,   (* Incorrect value for the filter bank 
frequency parameter. *)
    ippStsFBankFlagErr          = -70,   (* Incorrect value for the filter bank 
parameter.           *)
    ippStsFBankErr              = -69,   (* Filter bank is not correctly 
initialized.              *)
    ippStsNegOccErr             = -67,   (* Occupation count is negative.       
    ippStsCdbkFlagErr           = -66,   (* Incorrect value for the codebook 
flag parameter. *)
    ippStsSVDCnvgErr            = -65,   (* SVD algorithm does not converge.    
    ippStsJPEGHuffTableErr      = -64,   (* JPEG Huffman table is destroyed.    
    ippStsJPEGDCTRangeErr       = -63,   (* JPEG DCT coefficient is out of 
range. *)
    ippStsJPEGOutOfBufErr       = -62,   (* Attempt to access out of the buffer 
limits.   *)
    ippStsDrawTextErr           = -61,   (* System error in the draw text 
operation. *)
    ippStsChannelOrderErr       = -60,   (* Incorrect order of the destination 
channels. *)
    ippStsZeroMaskValuesErr     = -59,   (* All values of the mask are equal to 
zero. *)
    ippStsQuadErr               = -58,   (* The quadrangle is nonconvex or 
degenerates into triangle, line, or point *)
    ippStsRectErr               = -57,   (* Size of the rectangle region is 
less than, or equal to 1. *)
    ippStsCoeffErr              = -56,   (* Incorrect values for transformation 
coefficients.   *)
    ippStsNoiseValErr           = -55,   (* Incorrect value for noise amplitude 
for dithering.             *)
    ippStsDitherLevelsErr       = -54,   (* Number of dithering levels is out 
of range.             *)
    ippStsNumChannelsErr        = -53,   (* Number of channels is incorrect, or 
not supported.                  *)
    ippStsCOIErr                = -52,   (* COI is out of range. *)
    ippStsDivisorErr            = -51,   (* Divisor is equal to zero, function 
is aborted. *)
    ippStsAlphaTypeErr          = -50,   (* Illegal type of image compositing 
operation.                           *)
    ippStsGammaRangeErr         = -49,   (* Gamma range bounds is less than, or 
equal to zero.                      *)
    ippStsGrayCoefSumErr        = -48,   (* Sum of the conversion coefficients 
must be less than, or equal to 1.    *)
    ippStsChannelErr            = -47,   (* Illegal channel number.             
    ippStsToneMagnErr           = -46,   (* Tone magnitude is less than, or 
equal to zero.                          *)
    ippStsToneFreqErr           = -45,   (* Tone frequency is negative, or 
greater than, or equal to 0.5.           *)
    ippStsTonePhaseErr          = -44,   (* Tone phase is negative, or greater 
than, or equal to 2*PI.              *)
    ippStsTrnglMagnErr          = -43,   (* Triangle magnitude is less than, or 
equal to zero.                      *)
    ippStsTrnglFreqErr          = -42,   (* Triangle frequency is negative, or 
greater than, or equal to 0.5.       *)
    ippStsTrnglPhaseErr         = -41,   (* Triangle phase is negative, or 
greater than, or equal to 2*PI.          *)
    ippStsTrnglAsymErr          = -40,   (* Triangle asymmetry is less than 
-PI, or greater than, or equal to PI.   *)
    ippStsHugeWinErr            = -39,   (* Kaiser window is too big.           
    ippStsJaehneErr             = -38,   (* Magnitude value is negative.        
    ippStsStrideErr             = -37,   (* Stride value is less than the 
length of the row. *)
    ippStsEpsValErr             = -36,   (* Negative epsilon value.             
    ippStsWtOffsetErr           = -35,   (* Invalid offset value for wavelet 
filter.                                       *)
    ippStsAnchorErr             = -34,   (* Anchor point is outside the mask.   
    ippStsMaskSizeErr           = -33,   (* Invalid mask size.                  
    ippStsShiftErr              = -32,   (* Shift value is less than zero.      
    ippStsSampleFactorErr       = -31,   (* Sampling factor is less than, or 
equal to zero.                                *)
    ippStsSamplePhaseErr        = -30,   (* Phase value is out of range: 0 <= 
phase < factor.                             *)
    ippStsFIRMRFactorErr        = -29,   (* MR FIR sampling factor is less 
than, or equal to zero.                         *)
    ippStsFIRMRPhaseErr         = -28,   (* MR FIR sampling phase is negative, 
or greater than, or equal to the sampling factor. *)
    ippStsRelFreqErr            = -27,   (* Relative frequency value is out of 
range.                                     *)
    ippStsFIRLenErr             = -26,   (* Length of a FIR filter is less 
than, or equal to zero.                         *)
    ippStsIIROrderErr           = -25,   (* Order of an IIR filter is not 
valid. *)
    ippStsDlyLineIndexErr       = -24,   (* Invalid value for the delay line 
sample index. *)
    ippStsResizeFactorErr       = -23,   (* Resize factor(s) is less than, or 
equal to zero. *)
    ippStsInterpolationErr      = -22,   (* Invalid interpolation mode. *)
    ippStsMirrorFlipErr         = -21,   (* Invalid flip mode.                  
    ippStsMoment00ZeroErr       = -20,   (* Moment value M(0,0) is too small to 
continue calculations. *)
    ippStsThreshNegLevelErr     = -19,   (* Negative value of the level in the 
threshold operation.    *)
    ippStsThresholdErr          = -18,   (* Invalid threshold bounds. *)
    ippStsContextMatchErr       = -17,   (* Context parameter does not match 
the operation. *)
    ippStsFftFlagErr            = -16,   (* Invalid value for the FFT flag 
parameter. *)
    ippStsFftOrderErr           = -15,   (* Invalid value for the FFT order 
parameter. *)
    ippStsStepErr               = -14,   (* Step value is not valid. *)
    ippStsScaleRangeErr         = -13,   (* Scale bounds are out of range. *)
    ippStsDataTypeErr           = -12,   (* Data type is incorrect or not 
supported. *)
    ippStsOutOfRangeErr         = -11,   (* Argument is out of range, or point 
is outside the image. *)
    ippStsDivByZeroErr          = -10,   (* An attempt to divide by zero. *)
    ippStsMemAllocErr           = -9,    (* Memory allocated for the operation 
is not enough.*)
    ippStsNullPtrErr            = -8,    (* Null pointer error. *)
    ippStsRangeErr              = -7,    (* Incorrect values for bounds: the 
lower bound is greater than the upper bound. *)
    ippStsSizeErr               = -6,    (* Incorrect value for data size. *)
    ippStsBadArgErr             = -5,    (* Incorrect arg/param of the 
function.  *)
    ippStsNoMemErr              = -4,    (* Not enough memory for the 
operation. *)
    ippStsSAReservedErr3        = -3,    (* Unknown/unspecified error, -3. *)
    ippStsErr                   = -2,    (* Unknown/unspecified error, -2. *)
    ippStsSAReservedErr1        = -1,    (* Unknown/unspecified error, -1. *)

     (* no errors *)
    ippStsNoErr                 =   0,   (* No errors. *)

     (* warnings  *)
    ippStsNoOperation       =   1,       (* No operation has been executed. *)
    ippStsMisalignedBuf     =   2,       (* Misaligned pointer in operation in 
which it must be aligned. *)
    ippStsSqrtNegArg        =   3,       (* Negative value(s) for the argument 
in the Sqrt function. *)
    ippStsInvZero           =   4,       (* INF result. Zero value was met by 
InvThresh with zero level. *)
    ippStsEvenMedianMaskSize=   5,       (* Even size of the Median Filter mask 
was replaced with the odd one. *)
    ippStsDivByZero         =   6,       (* Zero value(s) for the divisor in 
the Div function. *)
    ippStsLnZeroArg         =   7,       (* Zero value(s) for the argument in 
the Ln function.     *)
    ippStsLnNegArg          =   8,       (* Negative value(s) for the argument 
in the Ln function. *)
    ippStsNanArg            =   9,       (* Argument value is not a number.     
    ippStsJPEGMarker        =   10,      (* JPEG marker in the bitstream.       
    ippStsResFloor          =   11,      (* All result values are floored.      
    ippStsOverflow          =   12,      (* Overflow in the operation.          
    ippStsLSFLow            =   13,      (* Quantized LP synthesis filter 
stability check is applied at the low boundary of [0,pi]. *)
    ippStsLSFHigh           =   14,      (* Quantized LP synthesis filter 
stability check is applied at the high boundary of [0,pi]. *)
    ippStsLSFLowAndHigh     =   15,      (* Quantized LP synthesis filter 
stability check is applied at both boundaries of [0,pi]. *)
    ippStsZeroOcc           =   16,      (* Zero occupation count. *)
    ippStsUnderflow         =   17,      (* Underflow in the operation. *)
    ippStsSingularity       =   18,      (* Singularity in the operation.       
    ippStsDomain            =   19,      (* Argument is out of the function 
domain.                                      *)
    ippStsNonIntelCpu       =   20,      (* The target CPU is not Genuine 
Intel.                                         *)
    ippStsCpuMismatch       =   21,      (* Cannot set the library for the 
given CPU.                                     *)
    ippStsNoIppFunctionFound =  22,      (* Application does not contain 
Intel(R) IPP function calls.                            *)
    ippStsDllNotFoundBestUsed = 23,      (* Dispatcher cannot find the newest 
version of the Intel(R) IPP dll.                  *)
    ippStsNoOperationInDll  =   24,      (* The function does nothing in the 
dynamic version of the library.             *)
    ippStsInsufficientEntropy=  25,      (* Generation of the prime/key failed 
due to insufficient entropy in the random seed and stimulus bit string. *)
    ippStsOvermuchStrings   =   26,      (* Number of destination strings is 
more than expected.                         *)
    ippStsOverlongString    =   27,      (* Length of one of the destination 
strings is more than expected.              *)
    ippStsAffineQuadChanged =   28,      (* 4th vertex of destination quad is 
not equal to customer's one.               *)
    ippStsWrongIntersectROI =   29,      (* ROI has no intersection with the 
source or destination ROI. No operation. *)
    ippStsWrongIntersectQuad =  30,      (* Quadrangle has no intersection with 
the source or destination ROI. No operation. *)
    ippStsSmallerCodebook   =   31,      (* Size of created codebook is less 
than the cdbkSize argument. *)
    ippStsSrcSizeLessExpected = 32,      (* DC: Size of the source buffer is 
less than the expected one. *)
    ippStsDstSizeLessExpected = 33,      (* DC: Size of the destination buffer 
is less than the expected one. *)
    ippStsStreamEnd           = 34,      (* DC: The end of stream processed. *)
    ippStsDoubleSize        =   35,      (* Width or height of image is odd. *)
    ippStsNotSupportedCpu   =   36,      (* The CPU is not supported. *)
    ippStsUnknownCacheSize  =   37,      (* The CPU is supported, but the size 
of the cache is unknown. *)
    ippStsSymKernelExpected =   38,      (* The Kernel is not symmetric. *)
    ippStsEvenMedianWeight  =   39,      (* Even weight of the Weighted Median 
Filter is replaced with the odd one. *)
    ippStsWrongIntersectVOI =   40,      (* VOI has no intersection with the 
source or destination volume. No operation.                            *)
    ippStsI18nMsgCatalogInvalid=41,      (* Message Catalog is invalid, English 
message returned.                                                    *)
    ippStsI18nGetMessageFail  = 42,      (* Failed to fetch a localized 
message, English message returned. For more information use errno on Linux* OS 
and GetLastError on Windows* OS. *)
    ippStsWaterfall           = 43,      (* Cannot load required library, 
waterfall is used. *)
    ippStsPrevLibraryUsed     = 44,      (* Cannot load required library, 
previous dynamic library is used. *)
    ippStsLLADisabled         = 45,      (* OpenMP* Low Level Affinity is 
disabled. *)
    ippStsNoAntialiasing      = 46,      (* The mode does not support 
antialiasing. *)
    ippStsRepetitiveSrcData   = 47,      (* DC: The source data is too 
repetitive. *)
    ippStsSizeWrn             = 48,      (* The size does not allow to perform 
full operation. *)
    ippStsFeatureNotSupported = 49,      (* Current CPU doesn't support at 
least 1 of the desired features. *)
    ippStsUnknownFeature      = 50,      (* At least one of the desired 
features is unknown. *)
    ippStsFeaturesCombination = 51,      (* Wrong combination of features. *)
    ippStsAccurateModeNotSupported = 52  (* Accurate mode is not supported. *)

  IppiSize = record
    width: int;
    height: int;

//              Core (ippCore)

{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  //  Name:       ippGetLibVersion
  //  Purpose:    getting of the library version
  //  Returns:    the structure of information about version
  //              of ippcore library
  //  Parameters:
  //  Notes:      not necessary to release the returned structure
function ippGetLibVersion: PIppLibraryVersion; extdecl; external name 

(* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:       ippInit
//  Purpose:    Automatic switching to best for current cpu library code using.
//  Returns:
//   ippStsNoErr
//  Parameter:  nothing
//  Notes:      At the moment of this function execution no any other Intel(R) 
IPP function
//              has to be working
function ippInit: IppStatus; extdecl; external name 'ippInit@0';

//              Image Processing

function ippiThreshold_LTValGTVal_8u_C1IR(pSrcDst: PIpp8u; srcDstStep: int;
       roiSize: IppiSize; thresholdLT: Ipp8u; valueLT: Ipp8u; thresholdGT: 
       valueGT: Ipp8u): IppStatus; extdecl; external name 



program test_IPP;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  lv: PIppLibraryVersion;
  b: array[0..5] of byte;
  roi: ippiSize;

  lv := ippGetLibVersion;
  writeln(lv^.Name, lv^.Version);

  ippiThreshold_LTValGTVal_8u_C1IR(@b[0], 3, roi, 127, 0, 127, 255);


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